Bevin Wins – Reports of the death of the Tea Party prove greatly exaggerated
Tea Party Republican in upset win for Governor of Kentucky

Liberals have declared the death of the Tea Party countless times—but apparently, no one told Republican Matt Bevin, who won the gubernatorial election in Kentucky last night with strong support from the Tea Party.
Bevin is a successful businessman who is pro-life and a veteran. News of his win is sending shockwaves through political media as the Democrat incumbent Conway was strongly favored to win, according to polls.
The election was highly contested, as Kevin Robillard of Politico reports:
Republican Bevin wins Kentucky governor’s race
GOP businessman Matt Bevin easily won Kentucky’s governorship on Tuesday night and will become just the second Republican to inhabit the governor’s mansion in Frankfort in more than four decades.
The Associated Press called the contest with Bevin leading Conway, 52 percent to 44 percent, with 80 percent of precincts reporting. Polls prior to the vote showed a close race, with most surveys giving Conway, the state’s sitting attorney general, a slight advantage.
Bevin, a multimillionaire investment manager who has spent $7 million trying to win elected office between this run and his failed 2014 Senate primary against now-Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has completed a stunning political turnaround. In 2014, he lost the primary to McConnell by 25 percentage points, was mocked by fellow Republicans as an “East Coast Con Man” and a supporter of cockfighting. He entered the governor’s race just hours before the filing deadline and won a May primary against two more establishment-oriented Republicans by a mere 83 votes.
The general election was ugly, with both candidates repeatedly impugning the other’s integrity and Conway repeatedly blitzing Bevin with negative ads branding the eventual victor as a hypocrite and a liar.
Bevin’s win also represents a threat to Obamacare, which was embraced by Conway.
Bruce Jepsen of Forbes:
Republican Victory In Kentucky Governor’s Race Is A Blow To Obamacare
Tea Party favorite Matt Bevin’s surprising win in tonight’s race for governor of Kentucky over Attorney General Jack Conway is a blow to the health policy initiatives of outgoing Democrat Steve Beshear, a staunch supporter of the Affordable Care Act.
With nearly 90 percent of precincts reporting, Bevin, a wealthy Republican businessman, led by 8 percentage points over Conway, his Democratic opponent, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader’s tally. Conway had led in every statewide poll taken over the last five months, according to media reports in Kentucky.
Bevin wasn’t the only Republican to win in Kentucky, either. Ed Henry of FOX News tweeted this last night:
Democratic source in state calls it “bloodbath”
— Ed Henry (@edhenry) November 4, 2015
This snippet from the New York Times is rather telling:
In beating his Democratic opponent, Attorney General Jack Conway, Mr. Bevin surprised many in his own party, who believed that the climate in Kentucky was ripe for a Republican but feared that Mr. Bevin, a charismatic conservative with a go-it-alone style, was too far out of the mainstream and too inexperienced to win.
This official campaign ad from Bevin will tell you more about the man and his family. Matt and his wife have nine children, four of whom were adopted from Ethiopia.
Bevin’s running mate is also worthy of note. Jenean Hampton, who is also a Republican and veteran, will be the state’s first African American Lieutenant Governor.
BREAKING: Jenean Hampton will become 1st Black Lt. Governor in KY history. #KentuckyGovernor
— Ξ BLACK REPUBLICAN Ξ (@blackrepublican) November 4, 2015
It looks like news of the Tea Party’s death may have been premature.
Featured image via YouTube.

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Winning Republican Bevin repeatedly compared to Trump
Angry Democrats blame the guy that some liberals have called “your little yellow god” for Bevin victory in Kentucky
Trump played no direct role in the campaign, although Bevin compared himself to the billionaire frontrunner, telling the Washington Post: “Part of what people appreciate about him is the very same thing [as me]. He doesn’t owe anybody anything.”
Yeah, Kentuckians love them some NY businessmen and Bevin couldn’t have won without Trump (rolling eyes).
Quinnipiac poll of registered voters nationwide:
Cruz beats Clinton 46/43
Rubio beats Clinton 46/43
Christie beats Clinton 46-41
Clinton beats Trump 46/43
New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie tops Clinton 46 – 41 percent.
But also note that every poll in Kentucky had Bevin losing…
It’s a lot easier to accurately poll a Presidential contest.
I suspect the turnout screens the pollsters used for Kentucky were off. 2014 turnout was down from 2012 and 2015 was down from 2014. Predicting who is going to vote in an off year election is tricky. Many young and more transient voters aren’t interested in state and local elections for a variety of reasons: They get most of their political news from national not local sources; They expect to move in a few years and thus don’t care about what happens locally or they don’t understand how what happens at the state capitol in tiny, far away Frankfurt might effect them.
Then there is the large number of disaffected lifelong Democrats in Kentucky. Such voters might not have been able to bring themselves to vote for anyone in the statewide races. They may even have voted for their neighbor in the legislative races. They are angry at their own national and statewide party for abandoning them, but they still weren’t willing to vote for a Republican.
According to Trumpsters, when Republicans do good things, it’s now a result of “the Trump effect.” Some have implied that Cruz wouldn’t have stood up to the media if not for Trump’s brave example — as through Cruz had never before shown backbone.
Trumpsters don’t seem to think much of pre-Trump acts of conservative fortitude, such as those of Walker in Wisconsin or Jindal in Louisiana. They place a higher value on Trump’s current promises — even while explaining their Trump fandom with the complaint that politicians all break their promises. It’s very weird.
During the last debate Rubio got a standing O when the moderators were badmouthing super PACs and Rubio said the largest super PAC out there was the Hillary/Democrat supporting MSM.
A few minutes later Cruz let loose with his epic takedown, which will find a place in debate prep for decades to come. I’ll bet some audience members are still hotting and clapping.
But yes, it was Trump who went first, if only because he was the first to be asked a question, that odious opener asking if his was a cartoon campaign. Trump’s rousing reply? ‘That’s not a very nice question,’ which garnered a ‘heh’ and three claps from the audience.
But to listen to some Trump supporters……
T-Phobes seem to think attacking voters to instead of Trump is smart.
Keep it up, T-Phobes.
By the way, Rad, who is your candidate of choice at this early stage?
You sometimes confuse your opinions for actual facts. Bevins during the campaign compared himself to Trump. So apparently 60% of Kentucky voters do lije them some NY Businessman.
Elisabeth Pearson, executive director of the Democratic Governors Association, in an official statement on the results.
Pearson added: “Unfortunately, he ran into the unexpected headwinds of Trump-mania”
Trump played no direct role in the campaign, although Bevin compared himself to the billionaire frontrunner, telling the Washington Post: “Part of what people appreciate about him is the very same thing [as me]. He doesn’t owe anybody anything.”
Democrats in Kentucky called the loss “the Trump effect”. But I guess the usual crackpot trumpaphobes here know better than the democrats in Kentucky. LOL
100% of Democrats and 75% of Republicans) peg Trump as an ultimate loser, so yes, the Democrats want to tie every GOP-er they can to Trump. Quite a victory for you.
Other than being factually incorrect your post is quite persuasive. 60% of republican voters say they expect Trump to win nomination and then win the general election according to nbc/wsj poll. Far more than any other republican candidate.
Perhaps one day you’ll see how you depend on the Democrat Governors Association and NBC polling to support your beliefs on Trump. These are liberals who’d love nothing better than to see Trump win.
The liberals/Dems, it is said, will tell you who they fear, but they also tell you who they do not fear – and that is Trump.
Henry, you are now just whistling past the grave yard with this deflection.
Fox poll out today has 37% of republicans think Trump has best chance to beat Hillary. Carson is second with only 18% who think he has best chance to beat Hillary. Wnen republicans start thinking about electability as a factor in whom to vote for in Primary Trump’s vote percentage will grow to match this 37% and more.
I think a Trump/Cruz ticket would be good, but knowing Trump he is just as likely to pick someone who is not even a politician to be his running mate or a politician who is not currently running for the presidency.
You have a habit of using Democrat talking points to support your perspective. What does Barbara Boxer have to say about this?
I’m afraid I don’t know what Boxer has to say but Elisabeth Pearson, executive director of the Democratic Governors Association, in an official statement on the results.
Pearson added: “Unfortunately, he ran into the unexpected headwinds of Trump-mania”
So while the Trumpaphobes here don’t know what happened the democrats in Kentucky do. They call it Trump Mania.
THIS ^^^ is what your brain looks like on TDS.
It’s not pretty…but kinda laughable at the same time!
Could you also fill us in on how Trump gave the KC Royals the World Series victory?
So you two are out of anything of intellectual merit to say so quickly ??
Your posts are self-defeating and do not require rebuttal.
Microaggression Warning: Poster Britt is using facts to refute Trumpophobes instead of hurling profanity and calling those who disagree childish names. This use of facts may trigger a meltdown in sensitive Trumpophobes.
You accept the Democrat story, just like you accepted the Barbara Boxer quote you used to put down Fiorini. You really are on the wrong blog and are extremely confused about your political affiliation. You grope, grope, grope, trying to find reason in that fog that surrounds you.
You forgot you used a Barbara Boxer quote to slam Fiorini? Classy. Now once again you jump on the Dems band wagon. Fact is you don’t think twice about believing Democrats. Do you have any principles at all? Because Trump damn sure doesn’t. What he believes today he won’t believe a month from now. He’s like the Pied Piper playing his flute with all the rats following him to sea.
Gasper. If than eyes offend thee pluck them out.
Right — because Democrats have such a deep understanding of why people would vote for a conservative. (For example, Democrats know that we didn’t vote for Obama only because we’re racist.)
And because no conservative or Tea Party candidate ever won a surprise election until Trump the Great showed the way — after deciding he’d be a Republican now.
And I’m not a “Trumpaphobe.” I’m just amused by the cultish behavior of Trumpistas who blow a gasket whenever someone breaths a critical word about their hero or suggests that he doesn’t walk on water of that another candidate might have superior virtues.
When Deemocrats rope-a-dope people, a lot of the dopes don’t get that they’ve been roped.
Especially paid T=rump ass kissers like DuhMav. They actually fall in and help!
Too funny…!!! What a lying POS!
Maybe its just dopes, when confronted with facts that don’t conform to their opinions, start projecting imaginary rope-a-dopes on others to keep them from recognizing their own dopiness.
Well, one fact is sure as shinola, and that’s that T-rump had shit-all to do with this election.
But his ass-suckers will attribute anything that happens to him if its good. As you and DuhMav have demonstrated here today!
Nice job, bois…!!!
Maybe I’m just dense but it seems like nobody claimed Trump caused the KY result. So I guess I’m missing your point. It looks to me like the donkeys are the ones implying that Trump’s absence from the 2016 GOP race would have resulted in a Bevin loss. I don’t see any GOPers saying that. If I’m wrong on this, please enlighten me because I sure don’t like to be wrong.
Read on twitter last night that the Republican Governors Association came in with a big ad buy at the end, and Mitch McConnell was on the ground campaigning for him (remember, Bevin tried to take McConnell out in a primary).
The establishment deserves some credit here.
Hope you put on the Kevlar, the crazies don’t like their memes debunked.
No, the Establishment deserves no credit. Qualifying words in your statement (no offense) “came in with a big ad buy at the end, and Mitch McConnell on the ground campaigning for him” also at the end.
That’s the same Establishment (including the GOP Governor’s association who is supposed to help our candidates who did nothing for Ken Cuccinelli (Gov Race) and Rev. E.W. Jackson (Lt. Gov Race) in 2013. Cuccinelli and Jackson, strong conservatives almost pulled it off, but were harmed by the efforts of the GOP Establishment. Yes, them and their cronies at the Chamber of Commerce. So we got the Clintons’ guy Terry McAuliffe…
Matt Bevin did this on his own, like David Brat in VA-07.
PS I wouldn’t have voted yesterday except that we’re doing everything to keep Virginia from falling totally into the Democrats’ hands – which would be the greater evil for our state.
Give the a little slack. Cuccinelli was a dead man walking in that race. The previous Pub governor had been indicted, and Cuccinelli had used some hard-ball tactics to get the nomination. That’s fine, that’s how the game is played, but when you tattoo someone with bruises in a primary or convention, don’t think you’ll automatically get their support out of “party loyalty”. Human nature is a funny thing.
The only way Cuccinelli would have won that election is if the afore-mentioned Pub governor had resigned prior to July 4th before the election. After that it was pretty well set in stone, and the Dems beat that drum all the way to a victory.
Statewide races can be won by conservatives — Bevins shows that. But even then they need some establishment help, which Bevins got.
You’re wrong. The reason KC lost is because of the presence of another candidate on the Libertarian Party ticket. Except he wasn’t a libertarian and even Rand Paul did ads trying to keep libertarians from voting the party ticket.
No dice. Enough libertarians voted for the libertarian candidate and the Perot factor came into play. None of the libertarian vote would have ever voted for McAwful. He had his 44% (or whatever it was) and he wasn’t getting any more than that no matter what. Had it been a straight up race, it would have taken very few libertarians to vote GOP to change the result.
McAwful did not win the majority and that reality showed clearly yesterday when he and his imagined charisma did nothing for his side.
OR the GOPe saw the writing on the wall and figured they could build up some political capital to spend later.
It’s pretty silly to declare Bevin’s win a Tea Party victory when Republicans swept the state without respect to TP affiliation. And the polls were once heavily in favor of Conway but closed as the election approached, which matches other recent Kentucky statewide contests. Conway failed to put enough distance between himself and Obama, and got the same result as other recent KY Democrats who didn’t.
A regular commenter here wondered if the Bevin win were “a big FU to McConnell” when Mitch campaigned for him, the RGA pitched in late money, and McConnell drew 800,000 votes last year to Bevin’s 500,000 yesterday. If any data result confirms your theory, it’s religion, not science.
Won’t get into much of debate with you, but only want to point out that it’s apples and oranges comparing turnout of an off-year election with regular election years. Looking at Bevin’s performance for 2015 actually indicates an excellent turnout and winning margin compared to when McConnell was up for a U.S. Senate race.
Important not to let the truth get lost in the weeds.
So, your premise is that when a Tea Party candidate wins it’s not a Tea Party candidate victory. Okay. Got it. Hearing footsteps, are we? lol
It certainly has nothing to do with how voters are treated by the Democratic Party including the GOPe wing of the same party. Nope, couldn’t be that at all. It has to be Trump-mania or ignorant voters, or …
Does anyone else think it’s awesome that Ms. Hampton’s photo includes her wearing a Starfleet Engineering Corps lapel pin?
Nice catch! It sure looks like one.
They walk among us! Trekkies, that is.
Great quote about the Lie-Stream Media Lies about Bevin just 2 days ago.
“Two days ago the media was selling a narrative of Kentucky
Republican Candidate Matt Bevin polling 5% behind his Democrat opponent Jack Conway. Last night, Bevin beat Conway by almost 9% (8.7%) – That’s a 14% swing from the MSM narrative contained within the last Kentucky polls when compared to a factual outcome on election night.”
Correct and be careful: if Bevins had won by 1%, not 8%, the Democrats and MSM (but I repeat myself) would have claimed “fraud” and would have used their own suspect polls in “support” of their claim. Had to be fraud because their candidate was “ahead in the polls”.
Never works in reverse, when a Pub loses a race in which he/she had a narrow pre-election lead, and where we KNOW the Dems got their person over the hump with fraud.
What I found interesting is that the polling showing Bevin losing was only half wrong. In the final weeks it showed his opponent with 45%, but Bevin with only 40%. The results were his opponent won 44.something % while Bevin won over 53%. Most of the instate polling was conducted by pro-lib entities, largely newspapers.
This is not defacto evidence of poll manipulation, but when polls consistently get one side right and the other woefully wrong, something is fishy.
Wow !! (2)Democrat(?) polls released one week prior to the election, both with a 3.5 m.o.e., showed Conway +5..
Actual result : Bevin by 8.7
“Missed it by THAT much” (Maxwell Smart)
Twas a bad day yesterday indeed for the Dems, Libs, Progs, and pervs, but a good day for America, instead.
Take care, in view of yesterday’s events that Baracky Obammunist doesn’t conclude that, in order to protect his precious legacy, instead of leaving it in the hands of a Hillary C or a Bernie S, he needs to run for a third presidential term, himself, for only he can stimulate his cadres of Melowese Richardsons to come out and cast their twelve ballots each for him as president.
Eastern Kentucky is following in the footsteps of West Virgina. Both were Democrat strongholds for decades because of the acrimonious was to unionize the coal mines. But the brave, downtrodden coal miner has been replaced by radical Gaia worshiping environmentalists and the transgendered in the Pantheon of Democrat heroes. As a result the region increasingly votes Republican in national and statewide elections.
Here in the south we have an African American Lt. Gov. in Ky. An African American senator in South Carolina (the only one in the senate), two Hispanic Republican Senators running for president and a Hispanic Lt. Gov. here in Florida. All Repiblicans! Does not fir the narrative.
The democrat party is filled with old white people at every level nationally and oh they are more concerned in bringing down the confederate flag then putting up good qualified candidates for office.
The next thing we will hear is some guy getting a sex change and is a conservative Republican. Can’t be. ????
Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey is African American.
Thank you for the correction. My mind was going through every senator and I missed NJ and Sen. Booker.
Everybody mentally omits NJ. It’s a Freudian thang.
Another point to note is that when the Democrats realign the Congressional Districts (when they have control of the State Legislatures) they jury-rig the districts to keep white Democrats in power, while making sure there are limited Black Democrat districts. I think it’s called “majority-minority” districting.
Yeah, maybe Bruce Jenner would do that?
Didn’t you mean the Dem Party is all RICH White Folk?
(That includes Obama as an old rich white folk.)
The polls in Kentucky and the national polls that pit various republicans against Hillary must be based on certain models and assumptions relating to how various categories vote. These polls will all be wrong because they fail to accurately reflect the Reagan democrats and union members who will vote for Trump. Trump is by far the most electable of all republican candidates because of his cross party lines appeal.
While Cruz is my first choice, I’m going to agree with you about the crossover appeal of a Trump candidacy. It may be we’ll be able to get another in there, but I won’t have any problem voting for Trump if he is the nominee.
“Winning” with a whiter, richer Obama is not “winning”.
The AFL-CIO won’t support a conservative. They WILL support Mr. Establishment. Because they see who he REALLY is.
Irrelevant to whether Reagan democrats and union members vote for Trump. It was also irrelevant for Reagan when they voted for Reagan.
I do not think that word “irrelevant” means what you think it means.
But your TDS is really shiny today!
So you are ignorant of history and how Reagan got union member votes but not the AFL CIO endorsement. He did get the Teamsters endorsement and the teamsters haven’t endorsed anybody yet. They have said they are giving Trump a look. Rags you are either ignorant of history or choose to spin more bullsh*t because you know there is no meritorious response to my post.
I do not think that word “irrelevant” means what you think it means.
But your TDS is really shiny today!
Collectivist recognize and know T-rump as one of their own, stupid.
You don’t know history from good accounting. Or law.
Quinnipiac poll of registered voters from all parties nationwide:
Cruz beats Clinton 46/43
Rubio beats Clinton 46/43
Christie beats Clinton 46-41
Clinton beats Trump 46/43
You’re exactly right, as long as you carefully cherry pick only those polls that serve your premise.
Quoting/Paraphrasing that LI knowledge poster Mr. Henry Hawkins… Note how the poll has Hillary at 46% against every single opponent. She never goes above 46%. Just like in Bevins case the undecideds will break for the non-Hillary candidate. So Trump wins big.
Trump will win big because he will get more democrat union, hispanic and black votes than any poll model will calculate
NOBODY is better than Trump at driving down an opponents numbers !!!!!!!!!
The Magical Mystery T-rump is coming to take you aaaaaaway…take you today…
What a slavish, rabid, unthinking follower!
Gary, you clearly cannot absorb anything that does not explicitly support Trump. I’ve said for three years here that I don’t give a rat’s ass what polls say. Polls are like philosophies – they all purport to explain the truth of things, and since they are all different, they are mutually exclusive. The polls showing Trump in the lead mean nothing. The polls showing Trump losing mean nothing. Every opinion has a poll to support it. I just like pointing out fools who cherry pick only the ones they like, as you do.
Here’s another meaningless poll you’ll have to ignore:
Real Clear Politics National Poll Average has Carson leading Trump by 1. Whoopy shit.
” I’ve said for three years here that I don’t give a rat’s ass what polls say.”
Yeah, and who started this threadlet branch by posting a Q Poll to attack Trump? lol
“You’re exactly right, as long as you carefully cherry pick only those polls that serve your premise.”
How was THAT an “attack” on your little yellow god…and paymaster, you lying hack?
You’re disgusting.
Henry, there you go confusing your opinion for facts again.
As for the RCP poll average that will change back to Trump up 1 or 2 points over Carson as soon as they update it for the new fox poll just out that has Trump in 1st place at 26% and Carson in second at 23%.
Rags you ignorant slu*t
DaMav wasn’t talking to you.
Britt, you lying SOS, deal with the point, or STFU.
That’s my whole point. All these polls purport to measure the exact same thing, yet they are all different, often wildly different. So, of course, what you do is ignore the polls when they don’t support your candidate and convince yourself they’ll soon support your candidate because of a new poll that’ll change the measure in your candidate’s favor, all while ignoring the fact that the next poll after that will change it all yet again.
It’s crazy. And meaningless. But it is also hilariously illustrative.
Too bad he wasn’t running for the senior Senator from Kentucky’s seat…
In time, we’s comin’, we’s comin’….
Pur, pur T-rump suckers.
Of course, NONE of that is valid…’cuz T-rump is so wonderful an’ brilliant an’ marvey an’….an’ tasty! Why, he’s MAGIC…!!!
Just like Barracula, the Magic Negro.
As for the RCP poll average that will change back to Trump up 1 or 2 points over Carson as soon as they update it for the new fox poll just out that has Trump in 1st place at 26% and Carson in second at 23%.
You poor moron! You don’t understand averages any better than you understand conservative ideas!
Scary as it is how alarmingly stupid the average Trump supporter can be, did you know that fully half of them are even dumber than that?
Polls are meaningless and math is hard.
I dont know what you are on, Rags, but it isn’t working. You might want to consider upping the dosage or something.
Ragspierre | November 4, 2015 at 4:36 pm
Pur, pur T-rump suckers.
Of course, NONE of that is valid…’cuz T-rump is so wonderful an’ brilliant an’ marvey an’….an’ tasty! Why, he’s MAGIC…!!!
Just like Barracula, the Magic Negro.
“I think we are going to crush them everywhere,” McConnell said. “I don’t think they are going to have a single nominee anywhere in the country.” We’re going to crush you like the worms that you are, peasants.
RINO, McConnell speaking about the Tea Party
Guess who the new Governor is? Tea Party favorite Matt Bevin!
But,but but.. McConnell supported Bevin! He even made a public appearance with him! (on the last day before the election, lol).
Oh come on HH. Satan made a joint appearance with the Messiah on the mountain (and led Him around for the day). They didn’t leave together but what the hey.
Putin shook hands with Jugears more than once. I don’t think that means they like each other.
“Liberals have declared the death of the Tea Party countless times…”
Dreeeeamm, when you’re feeling bluuuee…