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Branco Cartoon – She’s Fallen

Branco Cartoon – She’s Fallen

And We’ll Help Her Get Up

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source.


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MS media guy should be knee deep in something, and it isn’t sand. Thanks AB.

casualobserver | October 7, 2015 at 9:57 am

Maybe the guy offering the branch should be an NBC exec. Seems like some of the mainstream media are actually not fully propping her up. Haven’t the NYT and WaPo been behind a lot of the information drops that don’t help her, for example?

Hillary sinking is music to my ears!

How can such a liar, crook, murderer, thief, etc have the nerve to run for pres. ? She & Bill have been involved in so many scandals & lawless behaviour, that they both seem to be ” Jail Proof.”

    Just look at ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ (or whoever he really is.

    Half of America is horrifically ignorant, stupid, and/or in a political cult.

    The Union will never stay together. Maybe that’s not a bad thing anymore.

Kevin McCarthy should be holding the branch.

Priceless!! *applause* Well done Branco.