AACONS Interviews Ronald Bailey and Jay Nordlinger
AACONS sits down with Ronald Bailey and Jay Nordlinger to discuss the news of the day
Ronald Bailey is the author of Eco-Scam and the award-winning science correspondent for Reason magazine and reason.com. His new book is entitled The End of Doom: Environmental Renewal in the Twenty-first Century.
Jay Nordlinger is a senior editor of National Review and the music critic of The New Criterion. He is the author of Peace, They Say and of the recently released, Children of Monsters: An Inquiry into the Sons and Daughters of Dictators.
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Good interviews, Marie. Thanks to Jay and Ron for participating. Wish you’d tried harder to pin Bailey down on why exactly his views about global warming have changed. I know it’s a very complicated and technical topic that is hard to talk about in layman’s terms, but I wish he had to defend his position more. He is an influential person in libertarian/conservative circles.
Fair point. If he agrees to return to AACONS for another interview, we will focus on that point more. But for this interview our focus was on his recent book, The End Of Doom.
Most of all, thanks for listening MaggotAtBroadAndWall!