AACONS Interviews Alan Dershowitz and Edward J. Larson
AACONS sits down with Alan Dershowitz and Edward J. Larson to discuss the news of the day
Professor Alan Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law Emeritus at Harvard and a best-selling author. His new book is entitled, The Case Against The Iran Deal.
Edward J. Larson is a Pultizer Prize-winning historian, legal scholar, and author of several books, including the recently released paperback version of The Return of George Washington.
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It is not the news of the day – at least not this day – but August 25.
The interview is embedded and starts 1 minute in.
It doesn’t seem to be available any other way. I think you need a better link. Nothing in this post gets me to that interview, or tells me how to get to it without going through Legal Insurrection. There’s only the embedded file.
And writing a comment stops the recording.