What Does Herman Cain Think About Carly Fiorina’s Foreign Policy Ideas?

No, this is not a question from a CNN GOP presidential debate.

Former Presidential Candidate Herman Cain joined Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Tuesday evening. The subject? Carly Fiorina’s foreign policy speech at The Citadel.

Speaking at The Citadel, Fiorina said:

“I think President Obama’s fundamental belief is that the world is better when we are one among many nations. He’s said this in a variety of ways. Well, America thinks it’s exceptional the way the Greeks think they’re exceptional, we need to join the family of nations. He misunderstands fundamentally. The United States of America is a unique nation in all the world and in all of human history. We are the only nation in human history that does not conquer territory, but liberates people….For Heaven sakes, we keep terrorists in air-conditioned facilities. We ensure that all of their rights are met. Why? Because we’re Americans and we’re the only nation that has been founded on the idea that the individual, that each life, is precious. That makes us not one among many nations, that makes us a unique nation. …Christians are being driven from the Middle East. The Christian populations in various places in the Middle East are being driven out and this administration is silent. This is about the defense of the security of our nation and the defense of the character of our nation. They are inextricably linked now.

When asked what he thought of Fiorina’s remarks, throwing back to his days on the campaign trail, Cain said, “I like it, I like it, I like it. She’s talking about the United States of America being a leader nation instead of a reactive nation, instead of being a follow nation.”

“Her statements are strong, clear, and definitive. And I gotta tell you, I’m impressed with the philosophical statements that she has laid out relative to foreign policy. I like it,” he reiterated.

In the 2012 election cycle, Cain once compared dealing foreign policy issues to pizza. “I don’t believe that you need to have extensive foreign policy experience if you know how to make sure you’re working on the right problems,” he said speaking at the National Press Club. “Establishing the right priority, surrounding yourself with good people, which would allow you to put together the plans necessary to solve the problem,” said Cain.

Though his sentiments at the time we more closely in line with those of current contender Donald Trump, Cain believes Fiorina’s approach is the right move — being strong and clear from the onset.

And because the Internet is a (sometimes) wonderful place, I’d be remiss if I did not leave you with this.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Carly Fiorina, Herman Cain