Governor Scott Walker was interviewed by CNN’s Jake Tapper yesterday. The segment began with Walker’s dropping poll numbers in Iowa but went on to cover a wide range of topics.
Early on, Tapper refers to a column from National Review which charges the Walker campaign with being too lax in response to questions on big issues. That article can be read here.
Later, Tapper brings up an op-ed Walker wrote for Hot Air about Obama’s weak leadership in the face of violence against police officers. You can read that here.
Jake Tapper is widely considered one of the most objective journalists in the mainstream media but as you watch the video below, you’ll find him full of leftist talking points.
The Koch brothers come up more than once, Walker is forced to defend himself as a career politician as if Hillary and Sanders aren’t. Tapper also questions Walker about women’s rights, Planned Parenthood, the Syrian refugees and more.
The segment is eleven and a half minutes long but worth watching in full if you have the time:
According to the Real Clear Politics average of polls, Walker is currently at 5.7% in Iowa.
Wednesday night’s CNN debate should be interesting, that’s for sure.
Featured image via YouTube.