Q Poll: Americans OPPOSE Iran nuke deal by more than 2-1

It appears likely that Democrats will have enough votes in the Senate to preserve an Obama veto of legislation disapproving of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Democrats may even have enough votes to filibuster to prevent a vote, though that is more uncertain.

What is crystal clear is that the Iran nuclear deal is wildly unpopular among the American public.

Quinnipiac just released its latest poll on the Iranian nuclear deal. I trust this poll more than others because it doesn’t try to describe the deal in terms that would influence the result. So if you ask a question such as “Do you support the Iranian nuclear deal that will prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons and avoid war” … you have gamed the question by presuming a positive result of the deal.

This mid-August CNN poll which showed even support/opposition, is a prime example of biased wording designed to increase supportive answers:

Quinnipiac simply asks if people support the deal or not, without characterization. And the results show that Americans oppose the deal by more than 2-1 (55-25-20). There isn’t a single group (by party, age, race) in which there is majority support for the deal. Even Democrats only support it 46-25-28.

Independents oppose the deal 24-59-17. Republicans 4-87-9.

Every age group is against it, with the highest support being 65+ at a whopping 27-58-15. Among racial groups, the highest support is among blacks, at 39-38-23. Whites (23-58-19) and Hispanics (25-60-15) are solidly opposed.

These numbers are devastating.

And the trend is moving against support:

That may be why Debbie Wasserman Schultz reportedly refused to allow a Democratic National Committee vote on the deal — that would have committed the Democratic Party to supporting something Americans hate.

(Tweet via Twitchy)

Tags: Iran Nuclear Deal, Wasserman Schultz