Navy to Post Armed Guards at Reserve Centers After Chattanooga

If you’re one of the people who think it’s madness to prohibit the carrying of firearms in military workplaces, there’s some good news developing.

The U.S. Navy is planning to place armed guards at reserve centers.

NBC News reports:

Chattanooga Shooting: Navy Plans Armed Guards for Reserve CentersAfter a gunman killed four Marines and a sailor at a Navy Reserve Center in Chattanooga last month, the Navy plans to station armed guards at all of its reserve centers across the country, NBC News has learned.An email sent to Naval Reservists nine days after the attack, and obtained by NBC News, says “VOLUNTEERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY!” to provide 45 days of “armed sentry watchstander duty” at 53 “NOSCs,” or Navy Reserve Centers, beginning Aug. 17, and also asks for volunteers to provide a full year of armed sentry duty at 70 reserve centers starting Oct. 17.The Navy confirmed to NBC News that it plans to station armed personnel at all 70 reserve centers that are not located on military bases. The guards would be reservists called to active duty on an all-volunteer basis.

USA Today has more:

The guards will be posted at Navy Reserve centers that are not on military installations, such as the one attacked in Chattanooga. The decision comes in the wake of a Pentagon order to the military services to examine ways to enhance security.Many reservists and recruiters work in independent offices in communities where they can be accessible to the public. The July 16 attack by Mohammod Abdulazeez highlighted the need to explore ways to offer protection to those buildings. Servicemen are not typically armed during the course of their normal duties at those offices. There are about 7,000 such facilities nationwide.

Obviously, one of the reasons this is happening is because armed citizens began protecting recruiting offices in the wake of the shooting.

Now if we could only convince the top brass at the Pentagon that soldiers should be trusted to carry guns on military bases, that would really be something.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Military, shooting