Hillary shuts down Ed Henry’s questions on Huma, Servergate

Is Hillary Clinton nervous, irritated, or both?

If I’m placing my bets, I’m going with nervous. Things aren’t going well for her—recent polling shows that voters like Vice President Joe Biden (some like him even more than they like Clinton,) the media is closing in on her inconsistencies regarding her server and personal email accounts, and from a legal perspective, the federal judge tasked with handling Judicial Watch’s official inquiry into her time as Secretary of State is less than impressed with the answers her generals have provided in court.

When it comes to the media, I’m sure Clinton expected to skate through at least the primary without any major hits to her reputation or record. It was a reasonable mindset; after all, it’s Hillary. It’s her time.

It was not to be. Several journalists have caught the scent of blood in the air, and aren’t letting go of the email story. Today during the summer meeting of the DNC, Fox News’ Ed Henry asked Clinton a series of questions about the propriety of Bill Clinton’s paid speeches in North Korea, Hillary’s trusted advisor Huma Abedin, and whether or not any other cabinet secretary has ever used their own server.

Her response? Well, let me answer one of your questions because I think that’s what you are entitled to.

It really happened. Listen:

She went on to answer the question about North Korea, which says a lot about how little she desires to dive into the current scandal.

This crosses the line between controlling your press pool, and shaming them into silence. Of course, silence is what she’s going for at this point, considering her inability to control her mouth in the face of opposition.

During the same DNC event where she scolded Ed Henry for practicing journalism, Clinton dropped a Nazi metaphor to describe the controversial deportation policies some GOP candidates are pushing:

I find it the height of irony that a party which espouses small government would want to unleash a massive government effort, which might include national guard and others, to go and literally pull people out of their homes and their workplaces, round them up and, I don’t know, put them in buses or boxcars, in order to take them across the border.

The scariest aspect of Hillary Clinton’s rise to fame and subsequent, successive power plays isn’t anything specific that she has done; it is, instead, the overall lack of accountability that she enjoys.

Will it help her reach the top? Some people have their doubts; but that doesn’t make the vibes coming from her camp any less unsettling.

h/t the Washington Free Beacon

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Hillary Clinton, Media