Dems Announce Curiously Short and Delayed Debate Schedule

While everyone has been talking about the Republican debate on Thursday night, the Democratic Party finally announced its (small) debate schedule.

It’s almost like the party wants to minimize the number of times Ms. Clinton appears in a debate with her challengers, some of whom are already complaining.

CNN reported:

CNN to host first Democratic presidential debateCNN and the Democratic National Committee announced Thursday the network will host the first Democratic primary debate in Nevada on October 13. The exact location will be announced in the coming weeks.CNN’s is the first of six planned that the Democratic Party announced Thursday. DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said the schedule will give Democratic voters plenty of time to vet the candidates, though some Democratic candidates are already complaining there should be more debates.”With six debates scheduled  —  at a pace of roughly one per month  —  voters will have ample opportunities to hear our candidates discuss their visions for our country’s future,” Wasserman Schultz wrote Thursday in a post on Medium.

You’ll be shocked to learn the Democrats won’t be debating on the FOX News Channel.

The other five debates will be hosted by:

Martin O’Malley’s people are especially annoyed:

Bill Hyers, senior O’Malley strategist, urged supporters Thursday to tweet their anger at the party limiting debates in an email sent shortly after the schedule was announced”It’s ridiculous,” Hyers wrote, noting that Democrats held 15 primary debates in 2004 and 25 debates in 2008. “The campaign for presidency should be about giving voters an opportunity to hear from every candidate and decide on the issues, not stacking the deck in favor of a chosen candidate.”

It’s easy to understand why the DNC may want to minimize the number of debates Hillary will apear in. Let’s look at a couple of memorable moments from the 2008 debates.

Remember when Obama told Hillary she was likable enough?

Here’s Hillary and Obama arguing over which one of them complimented the ideas of Reagan.

And finally, here’s Hillary explaining why she’s a progressive.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Democrats