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AACONS Interviews Peter Ferrara and Warren Cassell, Jr.

AACONS Interviews Peter Ferrara and Warren Cassell, Jr.

AACONS sits down with Peter Ferrara and Warren Cassell, Jr. to discuss the news of the day.

Peter Ferrara is senior fellow at the Heartland Institute, senior policy adviser for the National Tax Limitation Foundation, and general counsel of the American Civil rights Union. His latest book is entitled, Power To The People: The New Road to Freedom and Prosperity for the Poor, Seniors, and Those Most in Need of the World’s Best Health Care.

Warren Cassell, Jr. started his first company at the age of eight, and at sixteen he is now the chairman of a personal hedge fund company, The Abella Group; and the author of two books: The Farm of Wisdom: 25 Unforgettable Tales That Will Ignite a Wiser You! and Swim or Drown: Business and Life Lessons I’ve Learned from the Ocean. His writings appear in,, and other places.

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Looking forward to listening to this one on the way in to work tomorrow. I’ve really been enjoying these interviews, but I seldom remember to comment because by the time I’ve managed to listen, the blog post itself has worked its way far down the page. But they are appreciated!