Bumper Sticker | political | July 4 | United We Stand
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Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Ithaca anymore

Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Ithaca anymore

We must be over the border.

I spent July 4 weekend back in my previous home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

Having lived full time in Ithaca (NY) for the past two years, I had forgotten what it’s like in ‘merica.

It felt really good.

Mailbox - United We Stand w fence - Rhode Island


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American Human | July 6, 2015 at 11:02 am

If you want to have tears in your eyes about the wonderfulness that is the United States of America then I recommend you go to Gettysburg PA and stand and watch their parade. It is good old fashioned America with Scouts, Veterans, High School bands, beauty queens, tractors, Indy pace cars, and American Flags galore.
It does an American heart good!!

Travel almost anywhere in the Southeast, Prof, and you’ll be amazed at the cesspool you’re living in in NY. 😉

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to redbirdacres. | July 6, 2015 at 3:01 pm

    Agreed. We moved to the SE from Commifornia. The difference in attitude toward the U.S. and ol’ glory is striking. The lefties don’t dare show their ugly faces here.

Another Voice | July 6, 2015 at 1:13 pm

Next year, if it is American Flags, music, floats, antique cars, and fire trucks you enjoy on the 4th, you’re invited to bring your own chair and come sit ring side on Main St. in the Village of Candor where waving your own flag or standing to salute the passing flag is the standard. Located 25 minutes south of your home in Ithaca, NY, yet a world apart. One of the many last bastions of conservative local and county governments along NY’s southern border which perplexes Albany and Washington as was shown in the election of Congressman Tom Reed (R) taking out Martha Robertson (D) last fall.

The Candor Community of 5300 residents hosts the oldest and continuous 4th of July parade in NYS going back over 100 years, complete with a Chicken BBQ and a Draft Beer Tent hosted by the American Legion family with their Men and Women Chapters who each year set the stage for the day of the parade with pre and post events of fireworks, activities and carnival.

Radar 416AMS | July 7, 2015 at 7:58 am

You must have gone to Interlaken, my home town.