The Democrats’ Love-Hate Relationship With Wealth

The Democratic Party has made it clear that income inequality will be one of their main issues for 2016.The fact that the Clintons are multi-millionaires is conveniently overlooked, as are the party’s ties to incredibly rich donors. Dave Boyer of the Washington Times provides this interesting new report:

Obama, Pelosi mend fences at fundraiser hosted by billionaire activistThere’s nothing like a big-money fundraiser for House Democrats to bring President Obama and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi closer together.Mr. Obama and Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, made a show of mending fences Friday night at a fundraiser at the home of billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer overlooking the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco. Friday was their first meeting since Mrs. Pelosi turned against the president last week by leading the opposition that temporarily derailed crucial trade legislation Mr. Obama is seeking.Despite those tensions, Mr. Obama told more than 50 wealthy Democratic donors, who paid up to $33,400 each to help Democrats win in 2016, that Mrs. Pelosi has been instrumental to his achievements in office.“None of those things would have been accomplished had it not been for an extraordinary partner in Congress, and Nancy Pelosi has been that partner, and I could not be prouder to work with her,” Mr. Obama said.

One day earlier, Hillary Clinton challenger Bernie Sanders was singing a different tune.

Brian Lilley of Truth Revolt:

Sanders: Rich Destroying America’s FoundationsDemocratic long shot Bernie Sanders stood on the Vegas Strip and called out one of the architects of Sin City’s lavishness as he campaigned to become president. The Washington Post reports that Sanders gathered 700 people to a rally where he decried the billionaire class in America.

“Today we live in the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, but the vast majority of the American people do not know that, do not feel that, because almost all of that wealth today rests in the hands of a tiny few,” Sanders said. “What we are saying to the billionaire class is, ‘Your greed, which is destroying this country, has got to end.'”

Not content to take on generic billionaires, Sanders mentioned the Koch brothers and Vegas impresario Sheldon Adelson by name:

“People like Sheldon Adelson — you know who he is! — and the Koch brothers are now spending unbelievable sums of money,” Sanders said. When he argued that such political spending had created an “oligarchy” and wrecked “the foundations of American democracy,” the crowd stood on its feet and chanted, “Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!”

Remember back in 2008, when some people claimed Obama’s ability to raise massive amounts of money was proof of his ability to be president?

Democrats don’t.

Tags: Democrats, Tom Steyer