IRS Stalls on Sharing New Lois Lerner Emails

The race for 2016 has shifted the focus of the media and many Americans away from the IRS scandal, but a new development in the story has come to light.

Over 6,000 Lois Lerner emails have been found but the IRS is stalling on sharing them.

You’ll never guess why.

Gerri Willis of the FOX Business Network reports:

IRS Finds 6,400 Lois Lerner Emails But Won’t Hand Em OverThe Internal Revenue Service may have found 6,400 emails from Lois Lerner, who oversaw the tax agency’s Exempt Organizations Unit, but the government agency has no plans to share.Attorneys from the Department of Justice representing the IRS say the emails won’t be shared because the service is making sure that none of them are duplicates. Lerner is at the center of a scandal in which the tax agency denied special tax status to conservative groups. Her emails have been sought by members of Congress and conservative groups alike.One of those groups, Judicial Watch, has been seeking emails as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed two years ago. Originally, the IRS said the email trail was permanently lost because the computer drive that contained it crashed. However, the Treasury Department’s Inspector General for Tax Administration or TIGTA, was able to retrieve 6,400 emails which it has subsequently sent to the agency. It is these emails that the IRS wants to check for duplicates.

Watch the video report below.

Patrick Howley of the Daily Caller has more:

IRS Finds 6,400 New Lois Lerner Emails…Gives DUMBEST EXCUSE YET For Not Releasing ThemThe Internal Revenue Service found 6,400 more Lois Lerner emails — but they’re not handing them over in court.The IRS’ latest excuses are nothing short of infuriating…TIGTA already checked for duplicate emails:“Prior to providing the Service with the approximately 6,400 forensically-recovered emails, TIGTA identified and removed emails which appear to be duplicates of those which the Service has already produced to the Congressional Committees or were duplicates of other recovered emails.”As TheDC reported, the inspector general needed some kind of special software to make sure the emails weren’t duplicates, then they received the software, so the “checking for duplicates” explanation should have been put to rest.

This is government efficiency at its finest, folks.

Tags: IRS