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I leave town for two weeks, and look what happens

I leave town for two weeks, and look what happens

While the cat’s away.

I’m into my second week of my voyage through Israel, and look what happened to my hometown (as he chokes a little on his hummus) of Ithaca, NY.

Never was like that before. Uh hum.

Some highlights of the Ithaca Festival Parade

The Ithaca Festival Parade in 2 MINUTES!Owl Gorge Productions

Posted by Ithaca: Gorges, Waterfalls, and Cayuga Lake on Saturday, May 30, 2015

Can’t decide whether this means I should leave town more or less often.


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“Can’t decide whether this means I should leave town more or less often.”

Pretend to leave & check into a local Motel 8. They’ll leave the lights on for ya!

The freaks are just letting loose after a long and cold winter.

Not A Member of Any Organized Political | June 1, 2015 at 8:14 pm

They just need a good dosing of Max Brenner chocolate.

“Max Brenner, Chocolate By The Bald Man

Part I, Overview: Max Brenner Chocolate Culture Fills A Gap On The American Foodscape

CAPSULE REPORT: Israeli chocolate company Max Brenner hopes to spread Max Brenner Chocolate Culture, provided in his cafés, from coast to coast. We hope he succeeds…

Is that the Mummer’s Parade?

Are you implying that Sunny Ithaca needs an Odysseus’ Homecoming? 😉

Don’t leave Professor. You and your wife are holding the dam up.

… the Rats invade civilization.

The “Fossil Free Tompkins” need to chill a whole lot and to kill animals in order to make candles in order to see after dark. That will cure their drive for a shorter life span.

MouseTheLuckyDog | June 1, 2015 at 11:39 pm

It means you have to stay away longer when you do leave.

“Fossil Free Tompkins”
Won’t that require closing the Paleontology Department and removing tenure from all professors?

Wondering about the “Fossil Free Thompkins” sign? It’s just the Thompkins’ family. They support euthanasia.

It’s Ithaca, need you ask?

Tomkins are fossil free? Too funny. I’d love to see an hour in the lives of these idiots.

Henry Hawkins | June 2, 2015 at 1:20 pm

What Professor Jacobson needs is a stunt double.

nordic_prince | June 2, 2015 at 3:12 pm

A bit ironic that the fossils are clamoring for a fossil-free society. Aging hippies ought to have grown up and come to their senses by now, and hippie wannabes are pretty much clueless as to how truly pathetic the flower children really were.

    platypus in reply to nordic_prince. | June 3, 2015 at 12:13 am

    Well, we did have some dynamite love-ins at Griffith Park with free food and multiple bands playing cool music. And I never failed to leave with a cute chick who partied all night with me, if you catch my drift.

    So … pathetic? Not all of ’em.

Nothing new here, professor. Years ago Ithaca was described as…

“a socialist village surrounded by fifty miles of wilderness.

“The only place within two hundred miles where you can buy a tie-dyed tee-shirt and a string of beads.

“Home of the ‘Ithacar,’ a smoke-belching, twenty five year old, rust bucket Volvo.” Now of course, everyone drives a Pious, er, Prius. (Oops, not your wheels are they? Beg pardon.)

Probably time to toss your Ithaca Dollars, though.

Things are good; the deer will keep the rhododendrons from taking over your garden while you’re away, the lake trout are running, and Big Red and Ezra’s brood is doing nicely. (For those of you who might be interested or have children educational and great fun – have a look.)

It’ll all be here when you get back. Be safe.

2nd Ammendment Mother | June 2, 2015 at 8:24 pm

I’m still voting for applying for a nice Law Prof job at Texas Tech…. how can you not love working in a place who’s motto is “Guns Up!”….. Escape while you can and Texas citizenship is still open – in a couple of years we’re going to have to take applications.

franciscodanconia | June 4, 2015 at 10:36 am

Somebody in that town needs to step up their A game, i didn’t see any wild-eyed communists marching, like they do in Berkeley: