Hit or Miss? Jeb Bush “Slow Jams the News” With Jimmy Fallon

Governor Bush joined Jimmy Fallon and The Roots to “Slow Jam The News” Tuesday night. The sketch geared towards newsy, political types, has featured Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, Brian Williams, and even President Obama.

Real news, or more accurately — talking points, are sandwiched between Jimmy Fallon’s pun-y innuendo and The Roots’ slow jams. Typically, the extra figure in the equation is mostly pedantic, but finds a way to have a little bit of fun with the schtick.

When Fallon made a 47% joke, Romney retorted, “that’s a low blow, but it’s pretty funny.”

So how did Jeb do?

CBS This Morning hosted a panel of New Hampshire Republicans who agreed to chat it up with Frank Luntz. Among their criticisms of Jeb was, “that Bush doesn’t have enough charisma.” They want a candidate who’s commanding and inspiring. One panelist said, “…Jeb just, his communication comes off as too gentle, not tough enough and not passionate enough.”

Widely criticized for being stiff-shirted and humorless, Slow Jam the News was an opportunity for Florida’s esteemed former Gov. to show the late night comedy consumer his dry sense of humor. Bush bared his Spanish-speaking chops, touted his record as a two-term Florida Governor, cracked about “Fifty Shades of Gray”, and dropped a Pitbull reference.

Bush chuckled, Fallon giggled, the audience laughed, and a good time was had by all.

In the post-slow jam interview with Fallon, Bush joked he was, “younger and better looking than his brother (Bush 43).” “It was love at first sight,” he said of his wife of forty-one years. The couple met while Jeb was helping to build a school outside of Leon, Mexico. She didn’t speak much English, he didn’t speak much Spanish, but “when you’re in love you can overcome those barriers. There’s another language that matters the most,” said Governor Bush.

Jeb’s Tonight Show appearance was a welcome departure from the norm. Usually late-night joke fodder, watching a Republican politician be part of the gag was refreshing. Regardless of Bush’s status as a 2016 presidential contender, seeing a Republican big wig willing to kid around and have a little fun with a mainstream audience, particularly in two languages, is ultimately a home run for the GOP brand.

More of this, please.

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Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Jeb Bush