Biden Really Considering 2016 Run?

Despite not having taken the step to even announce that he’s considering to announce a possible announcement about a run for the presidency, Joe Biden’s people are quietly saying he will decide soon.

Biden’s entry into the race would certainly shakes things up. Despite the Hillary juggernaut, Biden could be a formidable opponent, and would certainly poll better as a candidate than he is now as Vice President. As for the potential run, CNN reports:

In just more than a month, Biden will determine whether or not to make another go at the top job. And while many Democrats say they’re doubtful he will launch a presidential campaign, his supporters are holding out hope he decides to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.

As he steps back into public life, Biden has set an early August deadline for making his intentions known, said a Democrat familiar with his thinking. Before his son’s death, Biden consistently said he wasn’t ruling out making a third bid for president.

U.S. News and World Report first reported Biden’s August deadline. His office declined to comment on Biden’s presidential aspirations.

On the question of polling, Hillary at this point has a commanding lead:

A CNN/ORC survey from late May put Biden at 14% among Democrats — well behind Clinton at 60%, but ahead of declared candidates Sanders, former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb, and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley.

In the poll, Biden also ranked as the top second choice for Democrats — 33% said he was their No. 2 option, ahead of Clinton, Sanders and Webb.

Bernie Sanders of course, is doing well in some smaller states such as New Hampshire:

Even as Hillary Clinton was holding her first big rally of the campaign, a Suffolk University Poll taken over the weekend finds the Democratic front-runner leading Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by an unimpressive 41%-31% among likely Democratic primary voters in the Granite State.The findings underscore some of her challenges ahead: Nearly three in four Democrats have a favorable impression of Clinton, but even this friendly group is inclined to think that controversies over the Benghazi attacks in Libya, her use of a private email server while secretary of State and the contributions by foreign governments to her husband’s foundation will hurt her in a general election.

So what does this mean for Joe Biden? It means the road will be tough, but not impossible. Biden has the name people know, and he has access to a large portion of Barack Obama’s donor base as well as an already established campaign apparatus in almost all 50 states.

If Joe gets in and puts a dent in Hillary’s polling numbers, it will mean she can no longer hide from the press without consequences. Biden will also bring a burst of energy to the race, distinguishing himself from Bernie Sanders, who has appealed mostly to far left progressives. Biden will be strong talking to people in the middle class, particularly as he attempts to draw a distinction between himself and Hillary Clinton.

We’ll know for sure pretty soon.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary