Apple pulls Civil War games from App Store
Ban ALL the history!
And the derpfest rages on.
Apple has joined other retailers in boycotting the Confederate flag by removing Civil War games from the App Store.
Apple’s Tim Cook spearheaded the move. “In a tweet, Cook called to honor the lives of the victims in last week’s tragic South Carolina shooting by “eradicating racism & removing the symbols & words that feed it.” An Alabama native like myself, Cook has been a strong proponent for equality during his tenure as CEO, often speaking out against the South’s tarnished history and the changes we still need to address,” writes 9 to 5 Mac.
According to Touch Arcade, “the reasoning Apple is sending developers is “…because it includes images of the confederate flag used in offensive and mean-spirited ways.”
Right, because all history should be polite, unoffensive, and politically correct. Nevermind the fact that in each of these scenarios the Confederacy is ultimately defeated…
Some of the games in exile look super offensivey, don’t they?
Ultimate General: Gettysburg
AAA American Civil War Cannon Shooter
Civil War: Hidden Mysteries
Civil War The Battle Game
Civil War Defense
Civil War Battle Defense
1861 A Civil War Rebellion
Civil War: 1862
Civil War: 1863
Game Developers have made the case that many of the games pulled were used as educational tools.
Touch Arcade spoke with Andrew from HexWar Games, a developer of strategic war games. “We’re in no way sympathetic to the use of the flag in an offensive way, we used it purely because historically that was the flag that was used at the time.”
Maxim Zasov of Game Labs, the developers of Ultimate General: Gettysburg are politely refusing to revamp their games to make them more politically palatable. Game Labs provided Touch Arcade with the following statement:
We accept Apple’s decision and understand that this is a sensitive issue for the American Nation. We wanted our game to be the most accurate, historical, playable reference of the Battle of Gettysburg. All historical commanders, unit composition and weaponry, key geographical locations to the smallest streams or farms are recreated in our game’s battlefield.
We receive a lot of letters of gratitude from American teachers who use our game in history curriculum to let kids experience one of the most important battles in American history from the Commander’s perspective.
Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List” did not try to amend his movie to look more comfortable. The historical “Gettysburg” movie (1993) is still on iTunes. We believe that all historical art forms: books, movies, or games such as ours, help to learn and understand history, depicting events as they were. True stories are more important to us than money.
Therefore we are not going to amend the game’s content and Ultimate General: Gettysburg will no longer be available on AppStore. We really hope that Apple’s decision will achieve the desired results. We can’t change history, but we can change the future.
Apple’s standards don’t seem to be applied evenly though. World War II games, some of which bear the swastika-laden Nazi flag, are still available in abundance. A Mac App Store search of “world war two” produces pages of results:
I’m sure Apple will be banning Call of Duty 2 next, because Nazis. Or any game about Roman history, because slaves. Right? RIGHT?!
History is mean, evil, grotesque, and riddled with human imperfections. Recognizing mankind’s failings doesn’t expunge them from the record. If anything, we must ensure future generations deeply understand our strides to expand the blessings of liberty so they may continue that fight. You don’t teach history by erasing the icky bits.
Banishing an image and believing that’s some sort of benchmark for equality? Trouncing the first amendment rights of others? Neither of these are productive endeavors. Neither maximizes equality nor liberty nor freedom. But both are painfully ignorant.
(h/t Caleb Howe at The Truth Revolt)
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Kemberlee, what the leftists are doing is “book burning.”
Who was it that said “Where books are burned, they will soon burn people?”
This “book burning” has long been a goal of leftists.
The politics of mob hysteria.
A “film critic” for one of the dead tree papers suggested that “Gone With The Wind” should be pulled from release this year.
So far, “To Kill A Mockingbird” has been spared.
Some of the most bigoted people in America are haters of the South.
“Practically the whole region has rejected nearly everything that’s good about this country and has become just one big nuclear waste site of choleric, and extremely racialized, resentment,” the Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky.
Yet black Americans are moving into the South, voting with their feet.
Michael Tomasky, you 100% perfectly described the bigots of the Democrat Party and left.
“Yet black Americans are moving into the South, voting with their feet.”
They get treated as people in the South. Elsewhere they get treated as objects.
Found the quote!
“From Burning Books to Burning People”
“Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings,” wrote German author Heinrich Heine. About a hundred years later, Heine was proved right; his books were burned, alongside thousands of others. Barely a few years later, the pyres of books were replaced with pyres of people as the Nazis murdered millions of Jews.
This transition from burning books to burning people is a common one. One of the first examples of this took place over 2,000 years ago. All books save those about agriculture, medicine and divination were burned by Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s decree. Then all the intellectuals who did not agree with the state were buried alive.
Antiochus Epiphanes burned the Hebrew books of the law while he terrorized the Jewish people. The Roman Emperor Diocletian burned all Christian books while he attacked Christians. Heine’s quote was about the burning of the Quran during the Spanish Inquisition. It is constant throughout history. When people destroy all the books that hold an idea, they will try to destroy all the people that hold the idea…..
Heinrich Heine – one of the most significant German romantic poets
And China has never been the same since.
He also changed the method of writing, to make it harder, with more detailed and complicated characters, so that in case any book was a found, nobody could read it! And it
would take longer to learn to read and write.
I think even the Chinese language got affected – people began shortening their words, and that’s why Chinese is a tonal language, without syntax. Maybe that’s wrong.
The “First Emperor” kept one copy for his own library, but it was burned in a revolution shortly after his death.
The purpose of the burning of the books was that nobody should make an argument from the past.
Books remained illegal for some time after he was overthrown. The decree didn’t get revoled immediately.
Chinese history before his time is rather unreliable. Actually it is unreliable later. It actually got worse into the Ming dynasty.
Some books may have survived, or buried copies wqere discovered but they were now reduced to single copies, which almost nobody could read and got lost.
One of Confucius’ books – Confucious was promoted by a later dynasty – was disguised as one dealing with astrology and so may have survived for that reason.
I want to say, “unbelievable”, but I can’t. Because it is believable. This is our Red Guard run amok!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
So maybe the PC Nazis are angling for their own Kristallnacht?
This isn’t about a rebellion 150 years ago. This is about FASCISM in America, today.
I recall a news item some years ago in which a minister objected to a group of Civil War re-enactors because the participants representing Confederate forces were flying the Confederate flag.
Next will come calls to edit all history textbooks about the Civil War.
That was done decades ago.
That’s why so many Americans believe that the War of Northern Aggression was to end slavery, and that Lincoln freed the slaves.
That’s why so many Americans believe that the War of Northern Aggression was to end slavery, and that Lincoln freed the slaves. But actually it was Congress that freed the slaves?
It’s a little more ocmplicated than that.
You mean the historians were right???
The winners of wars get to write all their propanganda as history????
Only if we let them.
As for this descendant of Confederates, the fascists trying to re-write my family’s history can kiss my Dixie a$$. And if their crony corporate buddies like Amazon and Apple don’t want my money, I’ll be happy to spend it elsewhere.
Trying to sell a Dukes of Hazard lunch box online should be a felony.
True! And Bernadette Peters should be run out of Broadway!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Uh oh! Some leftist are gonna die of heart attacks!
MPC 1969 General Lee Dodge Charger Model Kit
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In the land of unicorns, perpetual rainbows and furry bunnies where the Perpetually Aggrieved People and Democrats reside when they are not in the real world, the Civil War exists only as a way to keep slaves. Indeed, even this Country very creation was to keep people slaves.
Glad to know I served so future American generations will consist of poorly educated drones living off the teat of an abusive Federal Tyranny.
The biggest problem I see in this is: Apple claims that the only legal way to install apps on your iShit is to get it from the app store.
Even if you do not buy their argument you still have to do some very techy stuff to put it on. So they control your content.
There is a major relevance in this. You don’t own your electronics anymore. Digital copyrights and patents =and the law around them are reshaping the universe in major ways while we fight about the Civil war.
People who don’t want Apple products don’t have to buy Apple products.
Yes but did they tell you enough for you to know you wouldn’t want them?
Did they tell you couldn’t play civil war games?
Did they tell you that they were going to dictate what you can and cannot do with them?
I knew that they had a closed, Apple-controlled ecosystem – that’s never been a secret. There are obviously both upsides and downsides to that. If it upset me greatly, I’d go out and get some Android clone instead. That’s the beauty of the free market.
Idiots do what idiots do. Symbolism over substance rules!
“Trouncing the first amendment rights of others? Neither of these are productive endeavors. Neither maximizes equality or liberty or freedom. But both are painfully ignorant.”
Not sure how a private company like Apple could be “trouncing” anyone’s 1st Amendment rights, considering they are not a governmental body.
That said, I think Apple has gone a bit overboard here, historical games try to portray history as it was, not as we wish it could have been (except Red Alert, which took place in an alternate universe where Einstein actually went back in time to kill Hitler).
You do realize that more than just the government can infringe upon someone’s rights correct?
Tell me how you feel about private businesses that want to refuse service based on the private owner’s personal beliefs…I mean they aren’t government, so why aren’t they allowed to refuse service?
You do realize that more than just the government can infringe upon someone’s rights correct?
But nobody has a “civil right” to demand goods or services from someone else.
Tell me how you feel about private businesses that want to refuse service based on the private owner’s personal beliefs
Fine with me.
We’re not slaves of the government—or of our customers … are we?
“Tell me how you feel about private businesses that want to refuse service based on the private owner’s personal beliefs…I mean they aren’t government, so why aren’t they allowed to refuse service?”
You are talking about private discrimination, which requires a statute in order to be illegal. In my opinion, I welcome such statutes that prohibit discrimination in serving customers.
A business can certainly restrict speech on its premises.
This is not speech…this is a good or service as a software package, which contains nothing that is inherently illegal or even restricted for certain ages.
Apple is denying that good/service on both ends since they are the middle man and essentially have customers on both ends.
One is the buyer who no longer has access to the products and the other is the developer who no longer is able to place their products up for sale. Since Apple takes money from both, both are customers and both are entitled to the same protections as those protections you purport to support.
Like refusing to bake a gay cake, you mean? Does this right still exist?
where Einstein actually went back in time
Did they ever come out with an Albert Einstein Action Figure?
I am certain such a toy exists, but I am not sure if it is related to Red Alert or not.
The shooter was wearing Timberlands. I’m outraged to see that Amazon is still selling such an overt symbol of racism, white nationalism and genocide.
As the sight of Timberlands may now trigger anyone who is concerned about white nationalists shooting up black churches, I think they needs must be pulled from the market.
And denounced. Loudly, conspicuously denounced. Because anyone who doesn’t denounce Timberlands obviously supports slavery, white nationalism and genocide.
I hope they have’t got any World War II war games. Have they checked?
And the game of Diplomacy lets people play the part of some not good monarchies (plus the lessons are wrong)
But certainly they’ve got to rid of all of this.
Unless the computer plays the bad guys.
Unless the computer plays the bad guys.
To reach the real nadir of evil, you’d have to go with Microsoft products.
Apple products seem to be irresistible to people who never mentally got out of high school, but that’s not explicitly evil.
Good news! Apparently all the games have to do to get back in is replace the battle standard of the Army of Northern Virginia with the actual Confederate flag.
Because this is a witch hunt, and the hunters are stupid.
To return to the App Store, HexWar will be resubmitting its American Civil War titles using an 1861 version of the Confederate flag
“Because this is a witch hunt, and the hunters are stupid.”
That made me laugh.
“History is mean, evil, grotesque, and riddled with human imperfections. Recognizing mankind’s failings doesn’t expunge them from the record.”
Conversely, refusing to recognize the record doesn’t remove mankind’s failings. Rather, it guarantees the evil, grotesque events will happen again.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” — George Santayana
Oh good grief.
Look at the windows featured in the article, the ones they want to take out. How are they even “offensive”?
And does this wiping out of Stonewall Jackson and Robert E Lee from all public squares not remind anyone else of Stalin airbrushing out of photos (and the history books) anyone later decreed to be “an enemy of the state”?
Gah. Between this mad fascist anti-“confederacy” hysteria and the Obamacare decision, I’ve just about had it for the day. Maybe the week.
anyone later decreed to be “an enemy of the state”?
The situation is a bit different, if you consider that Jackson and Lee were enemies of the state.
But of course fudging history is always a bad idea, whether it’s done by Soviet communists, or American ones.
One of the windows depicts Jackson’s pre-Civil War service in the Mexican-American War. He certainly wasn’t an “enemy of the state” then, unless you are subscribing to Stalinist historical revisionism by claiming that once the powers that be decree someone an “enemy of the state,” it becomes a “fact” that they were ALWAYS an “enemy of the state,” even when they, in fact, WEREN’T.
And we have always been at war with Eastasia, Winston!
Seriously, this is not one bit different to what Stalin did.