U. Denver Law gets endowed Marijuana Professorship

Okay, now they’ve gone and done it.

Colorado Law Week reports:

The University of Denver Sturm College of Law will continue leading legal marijuana education with an investment from Denver-based law firm Vicent Sederberg.The law school announced today that Vicent Sederberg made a $45,000 commitment to enable one faculty member to serve as the Vicente Sederberg Professor of Marijuana Law and Policy.“As the marijuana industry expands in Colorado and around the nation and the world, there is a growing need for attorneys qualified to represent business owners,” Vicente Sederberg founding partner and DU Sturm College of Law alumnus Brian Vicente said in a press release. “With the launch of this professorship, Sturm College of Law will be taking the lead in providing law students the training they need to enter this new field. We are proud to be able to support their efforts in this area.”

The Denver Business Journal elaborates:

“This was a very personal decision for me and my firm,” said Brian Vicente, whose firm has been a leader in marijuana policy reform.Vicente attended DU’s law school on a full merit scholarship and was encouraged by his professors, he said, to pursue drug policy reform.”I want to give back to the university who supported me,” he said.DU law professor Sam Kamin, who has been working on marijuana law reform for about six years, will head up the marijuana policy program. The position is funded for three years with the option to renew.


As humorous as it sounds, there is a logic to it. Pot is big legal business, and getting bigger. In an age when law school grads have trouble finding jobs, why hot prepare them to, um, uh, oh never mind.

[Featured Image: Cheech and Chong 1972]

Tags: Law Professors