Bill Clinton Admits What Many of Us Already Knew

Bill Clinton spoke on behalf of the Clinton Foundation at an event in Morocco this week and made a rather revealing comment about the standards applied to people in politics compared to average Americans.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

MOROCCAN BILLIONAIRE MO IBRAHIM: I opened the newspaper and I was shocked to see these attacks on the foundation… I didn’t see anybody from the foundation standing up and really having a go at that… Because you should have stand up and really take issue. What is this money for? What have you done with it? And that’s what people should ask….BILL CLINTON: I just work there, I don’t know… You do, look, there is one set of rules for politics, and another set for real life, you just have to learn to deal with it…

Watch the exchange below:

The Clintons certainly seem to enjoy living by rules not afforded to other people.

The fact that this event took place in Morocco, a country with a questionable record on human rights, is another example of double standards.

Finally, the event sponsor wasn’t without controversy. Yahoo News reports:

Clinton Foundation event in Morocco bankrolled by controversial mining firmFormer President Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation’s Global Initiative are being hosted this week at a five-star luxury hotel in Morocco by one of the world’s most controversial mining companies, criticized for “serious human rights violations” by the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice.The Moroccan government-owned mining company OCP operates in disputed international territory in a remote part of the Sahara Desert, and the firm has been criticized for removing the resources without adequately compensating the impoverished people who live there.“Anytime the human rights of a population are systematically suppressed in this way, it’s a serious concern, and I think it’s worthy of attention,” said David McKean, who has studied the issue for the RFK center.

Different rules, indeed.

I’d love to see the left’s reaction if a Republican appeared in a country known for human rights violations as the guest of a mining company.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Bill Clinton, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.