Yale study reveals unusual regional grammar usage

You’ve seen the maps delineating the largely regional usage of words like “y’all” versus “you guys.” But what about the more subtle differences in English usage?

Yale’s Grammatical Diversity Project produced some rather fascinated results. The study “examines syntactic differences among local varieties spoken by considerably smaller numbers of people.” Digging far deeper into the grammar usage among regions within the same state, the study documents, “minimal differences among varieties of English spoken in North America.”

According to one of the researchers, the goal was not to look for grammatical inaccuracies or judge language usage, but to catalogue regional variations. For example, in many parts of New England, people will say “so don’t I” to mean “so do I,” he explained. The study also explores generational differences in the usage of words like, “so.” Among younger people, and particularly in New York and California, “so” is used to convey drama. For example, “I was so tired last night, I couldn’t keep my eyes open.”

Want to see what people are saying in your state? Click on the markers on the map.

[h/t The Daily Mail]

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Tags: Culture, Yale