Ted Cruz’s campaign HQ opens in Houston

ted cruz open house campaign headquarters houston president 2016

Senator Ted Cruz’s campaign headquarters opened last night. Nestled in the bustling Upper Kirby neighborhood, the campaign HQ is situated in the heart of Houston.

Handing out small American flags and Ted Cruz labelled bottles of water, volunteers sauntered through the crowd with iPad minis, ensuring faithful supporters were registered for campaign updates. With more attendees than anticipated, the lines to view the office space were quite lengthy.

To keep people entertained, Rafael Cruz was there to shake hands:

And to keep supporters hydrated:

I should mention the fact that I partook of a delicious, patriotically decorated cookie is in no way indicative of candidate partiality. I just like cookies.

The office space is far nicer than average campaign digs, but modestly so, and this is the campaign hub. There’s an office for the Senator, open office space for staffers, and even a play room for Cruz’s daughters.

To wrap up the open house, Cruz addressed his hometown supporters with an abbreviated version of his Liberty University campaign kickoff. It’s safe to say we can expect to hear a lot more “imagining” throughout the course of Cruz’s campaign.

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Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Ted Cruz