Ted Cruz’s campaign HQ opens in Houston
We were invited to check it out

Senator Ted Cruz’s campaign headquarters opened last night. Nestled in the bustling Upper Kirby neighborhood, the campaign HQ is situated in the heart of Houston.
Handing out small American flags and Ted Cruz labelled bottles of water, volunteers sauntered through the crowd with iPad minis, ensuring faithful supporters were registered for campaign updates. With more attendees than anticipated, the lines to view the office space were quite lengthy.
Thanks to everyone joining our Campaign HQ Open House! Download your photos at http://t.co/fSOLODtEQ2 pic.twitter.com/Z3EDpd0W82
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 31, 2015
To keep people entertained, Rafael Cruz was there to shake hands:
And to keep supporters hydrated:
I should mention the fact that I partook of a delicious, patriotically decorated cookie is in no way indicative of candidate partiality. I just like cookies.
The office space is far nicer than average campaign digs, but modestly so, and this is the campaign hub. There’s an office for the Senator, open office space for staffers, and even a play room for Cruz’s daughters.
To wrap up the open house, Cruz addressed his hometown supporters with an abbreviated version of his Liberty University campaign kickoff. It’s safe to say we can expect to hear a lot more “imagining” throughout the course of Cruz’s campaign.
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This man has a love of his country the likes I have not seen since Ronald Reagan. I will support him 100%
I hope Cruz holds up well as the campaign progresses. He should do well yet more than one strong contender has faltered during that process. If nothing else, Cruz should put the lie to the claim that GOP voters want a member of the mushy elite to get the nomination.
For me, its Cruz or Walker (Or, maybe it’s Walker or Cruz) then maybe Perry or Kasich or Rubio (No order intended with his bunch).
The series of debates has to provide for willowing out the also rans.
Cruz is one senator who can be an effective POTUS, the current one as a key example of a nothing Senator being a zero in office.
“his bunch)” s/b this bunch).
NO KASICH! He’s a lib.
Rubio only if he’s fitted with a shock collar.
Rubio miserably failed the judgment test by allowing himself to be used by Schumer.
“I hope Cruz holds up well as the campaign progresses. He should do well yet more than one strong contender has faltered during that process. ”
Yeah, Ted Cruz will be in the eye of the storm for the commitment he is making to us, the working men and women of this country. That is why we need to make a commitment to him also. Or make it to Walker if that is who you prefer just don’t let the moneyed-campaigns, the left or the media stampeed you as they did those two governors this week.
This week the left, the media and even some colleagues beat two duly elected governors into submission. They, now joined by the “governers’, cared not that it was the elected representatives of the people of those states who passed the law. Shame on those governors.
We also heard Harry Reid shrug off his lie on to us on the floor of OUR Senate Chamber, and then he thinks saying “well he lost didn’t he” justifies it. Shame on anyone who fell for the Harry Reid lie about Mitt Romney and stayed home.
I’ve got Walker a nose ahead of Cruz on my card at present. I love to hear Cruz speak. Walker’s pretty good speaker, too.
I know a lot of folks have written Rubio off after his immigration dip into RINO Pond with GOP leadership. I’m not quite so quick to write him off, although he made a grievous error. I’m waiting/watching to see if Rubio learned from it or has other little betrayals ahead. People make mistakes. I even made one, in 1979.
Latest Polling, today, PPP, has Cruz surging with:
Walker at 20%
Bush at 17%
Cruz at 16%
Bush has a rather large problem as his negatives are nearly the same as his positives.
Yesterday was payday. Tomorrow my first contribution to the Cruz campaign goes out. If it turns out to be Jeb or any other DIABLO, they get nothing, including a vote.
There was a great turnout for this event. It was held in the afternoon of a work day, and yet they had to cut off RSVP’s within 24 hours of issuing the invitation due to the overwhelming response. There was not enough room to accommodate all the attendees in the office, so we were out on the patio of the building. Rafael Cruz gave a terrific introduction speech, and Ted Cruz was as inspiring as ever! I have already donated twice to his campaign and I will be volunteering at his headquarters as well! If the public will listen to his message rather than get their opinions from the lame stream media, they will love Cruz.
The Alamo defenders, Audie Murphy, Marcus Luttrell, Chris Kyle, Ted Cruz; we Texans know how to defend our nation and our liberties.
Who picked out that photo of Cruz up top?
So a guy who has been in the Senate all of two years, never was a governor or prepared a budget, all he does is give speeches and is a polarizing figure (and don’t give me any of the crap about Obama – Obama is black and has the popular culture solidly in his back pocket) will make a great presidential candidate? Yeah this is going to work out real well.