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Just ribbing you

Just ribbing you

Almost a thumbs down

From a reader in Colorado, sent with the subject line: Prevented a Thumbs Down.


When I’m out and about, and run across an Obama, Hillary, ultra feminist, conservative bashing or religious hatred bumper sticker, I give the driver a thumbs down.

My own personal satisfaction of letting the person know I don’t fall in line with their thinking.

However, this pretentious Prius driver prevented my normal action.

Sticker on lower right, “Thank You Veterans.”

Thank you,



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legacyrepublican | April 25, 2015 at 2:42 pm

Veterans who can’t enjoy a Christian memorial being built on public land for their brothers and sisters who gave their full measure of sacrifice deserve better.

Is that bumper sticker the only kind thanks Veterans are looking for from the Prius driver?

The irony of a CO bumper sticker with the message that cancer stops smoking. Oh the hypocrisy.

I dunno, “In the beginning, man created God” gets a thumbs down too from me, so that’s two out of three.