How do you spend your mornings?
Coffee, bagel, and commentary from your favorite LI columnists!

The internet is full of breaking news, commentary, video, memes, link aggregates, and graphics. In terms of politics, at any given moment there are 1,000,000 voices talking about every issue under the sun—so what brings you to Legal Insurrection?
We like to think that we’re different, not only when it comes to research and sourcing, but in the way we approach the questions that define the political and legal conversation. Anyone can give a rundown of a bill or Supreme Court case—but not everyone will take the time to tell you what it means.
Our content is unique, our authors are passionate—but not all of that unique passion makes it on to the front page.
Many times, the news of the day leaves us with more questions than answers. The cycle never stops, but internally, we emphasize the importance of taking a beat to work through our questions, rather than firing off a half-baked post about a problem we don’t understand. That’s where the Morning Insurrection newsletter comes in.
Each night, our authors take time to formulate an exclusive “Quick Hit.” These hits are our way of bouncing ideas off of each other, and off of our readers. They’re exclusive, and you won’t see them on the front page; the only way to get your hands on them is to subscribe to our morning newsletter.
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I’ve usually done half-a-day’s work by the time the email shows up in my inbox. Howzabout sending it out more like sixish?
I’m willing to experiment with send times. 6 am? I schedule it for 9 am—is it arriving later than that? (Just for my own personal information.)
Yes, it arrives around 9AM. I’m usually long gone by then – out doing man stuff.
Haha, noted.
We’ll take another look at the send time!
I used to get the 5 Best columns from the Atlantic but they stopped sending it after Sept. 26, 2014.
I still get Morning Jolt – now suddenly in duplicate with two different subject headings.
That’s because The Atlantic couldn’t come up with even one best column.
The e-mail was from the Atlantic, but the columns ususally weren’t.
They might be from the Washington Post, Bloomberg View, Politico, the Financial Times, CNN, the New York Times. the Guardian, National Journal, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the New Republic, the Los Angeles Times or even some place like Grantland.