Carly Fiorina is rocking it

Yesterday we featured Carly Fiorina’s instantaneous reaction to Hillary Clinton’s announcement. Or should we say John Podesta’s announcement followed up by Hillary.

Fiorina exhibited what is becoming her trademark: Taking the fight right to Hillary Clinton’s supposed strength, the gender card.

Fiorina, as the only woman likely to become a Republican candidate for President, is uniquely able to make the argument that Hillary is abusing the gender card to cover up lack of actual accomplishment.

It was only a matter of time before Fiorina’s audaciousness would make her a target. So when I read Jazz Shaw’s tweet that Mika Brzezinski on Morning Joe went after Fiorina, it didn’t surprise me one bit.

What’s most important is not that she was attacked, but that she responded well:

Here is the video:

Fiorina is an important voice in the race. Her record is what it is, and she’ll need to defend it.

But she also can speak like no one else to Hillary’s abysmal record, which is devoid of any meaningful accomplishment.

That voice needs to be public and part of the Republican primary, as miserable as it makes the media.

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Carly Fiorina, Media Bias, MSNBC