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When seconds count

When seconds count

and the cops are on the phone and minutes away.

From reader and commenter quiksilverz24:

Long time no email, Professor. Hope things are well in the northeast.

Had to pick up a quick bite for the pregnant wife while she stayed with the two and a half year at ballet class.

When in the parking lot, saw this car. A nice sight in liberal Denver.

Bumper Sticker - Colorado - Gun in Hand Full


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yep, When seconds matter, the police are only minutes away.

Fight crime, Shoot back!

The police always show up on time . . .

to draw the chalk lines!

The 21st Century social equivalent of the brightly colored tree frog.

A warning to predators.

Buy more ammo.

I always think there’s a better way to say anything than:


How about: “Vigorously American.”

Or Something!

MBest11X @art15 has an awesome PSA on gun ownership.