Since we all tend to self-select on Twitter, it wasn’t a surprise that my timeline was filled with thrill for Benjamin Netanyahu’s surprisingly strong victory in the Israeli elections.
Sure, technically it was a win for Likud and the Israeli “right,” but it was all Netanyahu’s win on Twitter.
Or rather, it was Obama’s loss. Domestically in the U.S. among those whom Obama has beaten twice, and stuck with weak Republican opposition in Congress, Bibi standing up to Obama is about all we have these days.
And so too with the Europeans. As we watch the planned decline of Western Civilization in the cradle of Western Civilization, at least Bibi is willing to stand athwart the EU bureaucracy, yelling Stop!
So whatever Bibi is in real life, he has come to represent a willingness to fight that is missing from our own political structure and politicians.
Yet this victory celebration will be short-lived.
The storm of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism that has been gathering for over a decade will not stop, and may accelerate.
Last night, as Israeli results rolled in, I was moderating a presentation on Legal Complexities in Contemprorary Assymetrical Conflicts, presented by IDF Major Nadav.
It was a fascinating discussion of international law as relates to issues such as Hamas deliberately placing rocket launchers and weapons caches in civilian areas.
Throughout the discussion, I was struck by the contrast between the vile anti-Israel propaganda that has infected so much of the world, and the reality of what faces Israel in addressing implacable enemies who seek to destroy it while complying — singularly — with the law of warfare.
Those enemies are growing militarily. Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iran in Syria, ISIS and various similar groups in Sinai and elsewhere. An Iranian nuke, of course, would be the trump card for Israel’s enemies.
Those implacable enemies practicing assymetrical warfare are not limited to people armed with rockets and suicide belts.
Some high-profile so-called human rights groups, dozens of European-funded NGOs, and various U.N. agencies, are key components in the assymetrical war on Israel. Their obsession with Israel and Israel and Israel, is not a reflection of the reality of human rights problems in the world. They have become foot soldiers armed with biased reports and distorted images.
So too many faculty and students on campuses, who repeat anti-Israel falsehoods and distortions like mind-numbed robots.
Bibi won the election, but the assymetrical war on Israel has not gone away. If anything, Bibi’s reelection will cause that war to grow in intensity, as his stubbornness which is so vital to preventing threats from the strong East is viewed as insubordination in the weak West.
There is a gathering storm surrounding Israel in a world gone mad, as much the day after the election as the day before.
Whether you love him or hate him, let’s pray that Bibi is up to the task that awaits him.
[Featured image via Jonah Mandel Twitter – Netanyahu post-victory Western Wall visit]