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Serious scraping

Serious scraping

will be needed on January 20, 2017

Though if I had to guess, this driver will leave the bumper stickers on. Forever.

Dear Professor Jacobson,

As we were heading home from a visit to lefty family in the Berkshires this past weekend, our usual game of “spot the Subaru” was interrupted by this bold color amid the pale pastels parked on Main Street in Stockbridge.

Expecting the usual drivel, we were pleasantly surprised at the blatant attempt to foment insurrection.

We drove around the block so I could get this picture.

Thanks for all you do,


Bumper Stickers - Berkshires MA - Anti Obama Full


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


legacyrepublican | March 31, 2015 at 7:21 am

The only thing it is missing is Texas.

Room for at least a couple more!

I see that I have serious competition for the title of “Happiest Person in America – Jan. 20, 2017”.

    That particular sticker bugged me. He has so much time left in office. What else can he screw around with until it’s broken?

      Janelle in reply to Vince. | March 31, 2015 at 1:04 pm

      Vince, climate “change”, veterans pay, Iran’s nuclear program are just a few more messes. I can’t imagine that grade school science doesn’t include the fact that carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis anymore. Maybe not……

Wow, surprised that the Peoples Republic of Taxachusetts hasn’t tried and convicted that Thought Criminal. LOL

I can’t believe there’s an intelligent person in Tax-U-Useless. I like this guy!

No need to scrape those off, they need to be kept as a reminder.