Rasmea Odeh sentenced to 18 months in prison
Immigration fraudster who concealed Israeli bombing conviction also has U.S. citizenship revoked and will be deported.

[Note: We will add video and a report from a Legal Insurrection correspondent at the court house as an Update later.] (Video here)
Rasmea Odeh was convicted in Israel of the 1969 bombing of the Super Sol supermarket in Jerusalem, in which Hebrew University students Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner were killed, in addition to the attempted bombing of the British Consulate.
Rasmea served 10 years of a life sentence before being released in a prisoner exchange in 1979 for an Israeli soldier captured in Lebanon. Rasmea later immigrated to the United States, where she has made Chicago her home since the mid-1990s.
In November 2014, Rasmea was convicted in federal court in Detroit of falsely procuring naturalization, by concealing her Israeli convictions and incarceration.
The evidence supporting both the Israeli and Detroit convictions is overwhelming and from multiple sources, as I demonstrated in Rasmea Odeh rightly convicted of Israeli supermarket bombing and U.S. immigration fraud. Rasmea’s claim that she confessed to the bombing only after several weeks of sexual torture was contradicted by the fact that she confessed one day after arrest, and by corroborating evidence including a filmed interview years later with a co-conspirator.
The prosecution sought a 5-7 year sentence on the immigration charge, well beyond the 12-21 month guidelines, based in part of Rasmea obstructing justice in the case by lying during testimony and disobeying the Judge’s instructions not to testify as to her alleged torture.
The families of the bombing victims submitted letters to the court, one of which called the Judge’s attention to my post documenting Rasmea’s guilt in the bombing and false claims as to the confession.
The Judge just ruled this morning, sentencing Rasmea to 18 months in prison, revocation of citizenships plus judicially-ordered deportation at the end of prison to Jordan, and fines. (See Twitter stream below)
This is something of a victory for Rasmea, as she avoided the longer prison sentence and remains free on bond pending appeal. It will be many months if not years before she sees a prison cell.
While Rasmea was lucky to avoid a longer sentence, her supporters are predictably infuriated. (See tweets at bottom of post.)
Based on tweets from a Northwestern Univ. journalism student in the courthouse, it appears the Judge accepted that Rasmea obstructed justice, though it didn’t influence the sentence:
"issue now is whether Rasmea Odeh should receive two points for obstruction of justice – requested by government" – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
"governments request for the enhancement is a legitimate request they believe she committed perjury and actually, I do too" – judge drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Tweet clarification: Judge asked Rasmea to not speak about time in Israel prison and torture, and she disobeyed those orders
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
For disobeying my orders I am going to increase by two points
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
The defense counsel made a highly political appeal, portraying Rasmea as a freedom fighter:
Throughout history people have resisted foreign occupation.. go back to Roman times, French resistance, Americans… South Africa -Deutsch
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
These are all resistance fighters fighting against injustice. And of course we honor Nelson Mandela – Deutsch
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
People who resist have to resist in any way they can to fight for their land and fight for their people – deutsch
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
The prosecution showed video screenshots we also have posted previously:
Tukel showing video screenshots, Women & Struggle and Tell Your Tale little Bird, where Ayesha Odeh speaking about Rasmea's role in bombing
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
She's never expressed contrition for any of the acts. In fact, Deutsch tries to justify them – Tukel
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
This shows her character, portrays herself as the victim but never talks about what she has committed – Tukel
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Tuskel ends with asking 5-7 years in prison.
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Rasmea then addressed the court:
Rasmea talking about "disobeying" judge. I wanted to explain myself. Yes or no did not explain it. I did not mean to disrespect you
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
I felt that I would lose a chance to explain or tell my story – Rasmea
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
I know the court asked me 2 not talk about my time in Israel I respected that but the words came out on their own
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
A woman in occupied territory… I didn't do that operation. I am not responsible for what that girl (in video) said about me – Rasmea
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Think about my age, my situation, my work with the community and what that means, my 20 years here in the US – Rasmea
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
The Judge then ruled:
No one has talked about application involved in this case – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Judge Drain reading application questions and reading Rasmea's responses.
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
We expect people in the country to tell the truth about things especially under oath – Rasmea
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
I think Rasmea was a terrorist,She was a member of the PFLP.Even tho I prevented her to be called a terrorist.And I think that's her history
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Looking at her now, I am convinced she has done a lot in the Arab Community in Chicago. I got a lot of letters of supper – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Letters all talked about how outstanding. I have no doubt that if she was a terrorist, she has changed. – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
One of the things that's disturbing is that every step of the case, it's been politicized. – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Rasmea says this case is about my past and I'm a political prisoner and this case is about conflict between Israeli.Palestinian -Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
I don't think this is about politics. It's about dishonesty – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
It's not about Israel- Palestinian conflict,about freedom fighters and all of that. It's about being honest on your application -Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
In some ways, Ms. Odeh, you don't have respect for the law. B/c if you did you would have been honest with that law. – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Two kinds of deterrence : specific deterrence and general deterrence – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
People are watching and waiting to see what I am going to sentence – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
I need to impose a sentence that will make people think twice before entering the country – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Because if there's a lot of risk and consequence they will deter from it #pt
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
From my perspective, I have to look at people and the govt says I should deter terrorists and I want to more than that – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
I want people to think about before lying – Judge Drain #pt
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
We naturalize 10,000 people a year. That's a lot of people. I don't want to give anyone who is thinking about coming here that you can lie
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
and if you get caught, you can just leave the country #pt – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
You lied under oath in an important situation and it's not enough and i'm not going to go below the guidelines. – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
I begin with the guidelines and I end with the guidelines – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
impose a sentence that is right in the middle of the sentencing guidelines – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Sentencing: Term of 18 months and in addition impose a special assessment of $100 and fine of $1000… And deportation… Bond until appeal
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Revoked of her citizenship and order to be returned to Jordan – Judge Drain
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Summary: Sentencing term of 18 months, and has fines to pay. Deportation to Jordan. And Rasmea is out on bond until appeal. #RasmeaOdeh
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Reaction from Rasmea Supporters:
Travesty of our justice system. We are saddened by news of Rasmea's sentencing & deportation. #Justice4Rasmea
— NNAAC (@NNAAC) March 12, 2015
This judge for the Rasmea Odeh case is garbage…
— Dana Balboul (@Dbalboul) March 12, 2015
As you read the Zionist gloating on twitter re Rasmea's sentencing remind them that those they support are rapists.
— InstaPundit (@iPunditry) March 12, 2015
Deutsch- sentencing was unreasonable and unjust but don't expect justice in these cases
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Hatem: regardless of what the judge says, this is a political case and a case of Palestinians fighting for liberation
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Rasmea greeting supporters after court. She is out on appeal. #justice4Rasmea pic.twitter.com/IAB0zmz817
— Anti-War Committee (@AntiwarMN) March 12, 2015
After Rasmea's unjust trial and excessive sentence, we're taking Rasmea home to Chicago with us! A victory in and of itself!
— 48Refugee (@48Refugee) March 12, 2015
Rasmea Supporters chanting outside court house pic.twitter.com/rIJgoaTd8L
— Noor Wazwaz (@nfwazwaz) March 12, 2015
Fists up for #rasmea #justice4rasmea pic.twitter.com/GoBG66ElEc
— Zena Ozeir (@zena_ozeir) March 12, 2015
Here are some key case documents filed today, the Order Revoking Citizenship, Judicial Order of Removal, and Odeh’s Consent to the Order of Removal (which waives any right to contest deportation assuming the conviction is upheld):
Rasmieh Odeh Case – Order Revoking U.S. Citizenship by Legal Insurrection
Rasmieh Odeh Case – Judicial Order of Removal by Legal Insurrection
Rasmieh Odeh Case – Defendant's Consent to Judicial Order of Removal by Legal Insurrection

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Well, with our secure borders I’m sure she will be kept out of the country a solid 30 min, maybe up-to a whole hour!
My only question was, “What did Jordan do to piss off Judge Drain?”
Why not Iraq?
No way to send back to Israel to finish off her sentence in prison where she really belongs?
It will take approximately one and a half to two years to resolve an appeal to the Sixth Circuit. I doubt SCOTUS will grant cert because there are no serious issues on appeal. She’s old, perhaps too old to re-establish a meaningful life in Jordan. Delaying will not help her on this issue. She should voluntarily do her time now and leave the country. Her appeal could still go on, but it’s a dead bang loser. I hope Obama doesn’t pardon her.
I want to applaud Prof. Jacobson and LI for the reporting on this case. The judge is right, it is not about “politics”. It is about human rights and justice for the most basic human right, the right to life. Nobody else cares about the victims or the manipulation of justice by fraud and deceit. It is chilling that the Rasmea supporters cannot spare a moment of silence for the victims as they cheer for their “heroine”. It is chilling that these concerns are not reflected in the mainstream media.
I don’t think it is too much of a stretch to say that with these LI posts, the mantle of human rights advocacy that has been for so long thought of as the exclusive provenance of the political left, has passed to the right.
Thank you very much to Prof. Jacobson and the LI team.
I am actually fine with the 18 month prison sentence, that is just less time that the tax payers of the US will have to pay to feed and house this terrorist trash.
One question, does her having her citizenship revoked and deported preclude her from returning to the US? (Assuming that everything is upheld on the appeal?)
This piece of trash planted at least two bombs, one of which killed two college boys. When caught she gave a full confession within 18 hours, including details that would have been unknown to anyone not involved. Because things were so volatile at that point in time the International Red Cross had observers in the courtroom during the trial; they stated that there were no problems with the way the trial was conducted and that Rasmieh was given all considerations and a good defense. Based on the facts, supported by her voluntary confession, she was convicted.
Now she claims that her confession was obtained only after weeks of “sexual torture”, that she was not given counsel before or during the trial, and that she basically never even knew what the word ‘bomb’ meant or what a “Supersol” was. And she has a legion of supporters that have bought this trainload of organic fertilizer and are mindlessly spreading it around as if it were The Word Anointed!
There are undoubtedly some pro-Palestinian zealots involved in this, but what of the vast majority of her supporters? How have we managed to grow an entire generation that is so gullible and so easily manipulated by nearly any snake-oil hustler that comes around? They vilify police officers (and Neighborhood Watch members) who refuse to let themselves be murdered, then turn around and scream about the supposed injustice being done when a real murderer is exposed!
I’m really afraid we may be hearing Taps being played for the country of my birth.