Netanyahu Speech AIPAC | Live Stream | Video
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Netanyahu at #AIPAC2015 (Live)

Netanyahu at #AIPAC2015 (Live)

We will have live coverage of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at AIPAC, scheduled to start at 8:30 a.m. Eastern. But of course, it’s running late (the slipped in a panel discussion), so stay tuned.

Amy is in the room and will send photos and reports. Her Twitter feed is at bottom of post.

(Update 10:30 – speech over, will embed video when available)(video added)

Netanyahu AIPAC view from crowd

Netanyahu AIPAC Map Iran Terror

Samantha Power AIPAC

Amy emails: Avoided press cage, sitting amongst the little people. Most exotic overflow broadcast I’ve ever seen! Overflow is intense. You can see the panel in the corner if you squint.

AIPAC 2015 Crowd


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legacyrepublican | March 2, 2015 at 9:29 am

March is coming in like a lion from Judah. Glad to have you visit Mr. Netanyahu.

Relationship “Cannot be tarnished”? The audience would like a word with you, Madam Ambassador. #AIPAC2015— Amy Miller (@amyvrwc) March 2, 2015

Oh, that was well done! Thank you for posting it.

Thanks for the tweets, too. I find the ones from the Code Pink harpies amusing. They sound like some of the ignorant egyptian men that used to visit The Sandmonkey’s place. How did the pinkos grow to old age in this country untouched by knowledge of current events?