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I checkout LI first thing in the morning, and periodically throughout the day. I tried subscribing, but I’d already read the new postings before your email came in each morning. So they weren’t particularly helpful.
What WOULD be helpful would be an email or text notice when new articles are posted.
Great site!
Legal Insurrection’s RSS feed is your friend.
Check out the icons in LI’s banner. The RSS icon is to the right of the YouTube icon. RSS is the (partial) solution to the problem of “so many blogs and news sites, so little time.”
Since I signed up for Morning Insurrection, I lost 30 lbs., my hair grew back, and my teeth are whiter.
Thank you Morning Insurrection!!
Morning Insurrection is free, unless it causes you to lose weight, in which case we charge by the pound.
I gained weight on Morning Insurrection. How much do you owe me?
All the women I’m attracting are costing me a bundle. I’ll have to catch you next month Prof.
And, Thank you Morning Insurrection!!