PHOTOS: Vigil for Rasmea Odeh victims at DePaul University
While inside the student center, Students for Justice in Palestine held a fundraiser honoring the convicted killer.

Last night, Tuesday, February 3, 2015, a fundraiser was held at DePaul University honoring and on behalf of convicted supermarket bomber and immigration fraudster Rasmieh (Rasmea) Odeh. Full details and background on the fundraiser here, and on Rasmea’s trials and convictions here.
A vigil was held outside the fundraiser in memory of two Israeli students killed in the bombing, Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner.
It was snowing and a heavy snowfall anticipated, which almost led to cancellation of the vigil, but a group of students persevered and stood out in the cold reciting prayers for peace and remembering.
The vigil made national news:
A Legal Insurrection photographer took photos.
Our photographer reports that contrary to what one SJP supporter claimed on Twitter, the vigil group did not shout at or in any way harass those attending the fundraiser. The group was separated by police from those entering the fundraiser, so as to avoid any possibility of conflict.
Factually accurate flyers were handed out, much to the chagrin of Rasmea supporters:
A local SEIU official claimed the vigil was racist. Really? Remembering the victims of a terrorist bombing is racist? Sick accusation.
Kudos to the hearty souls who stood in the cold to bring attention to the real victims in the Rasmea Odeh saga, two innocent Israeli students shopping at the Super Sol supermarket in Jerusalem when the bombing arranged by Rasmea took place.
SJP is claiming that 200 people attended the fundraiser, but the crowd seemed much smaller.
Regardless of head count, one of the attorneys for Rasmea apparently repeated the claim that she only confessed to the bombing after 25 days of torture (other Rasmea supporters claim it was 45 days).
That, of course, is contradicted by the documentary evidence that Rasmea confessed ONE DAY after arrested, in a handwritten (in Arabic), highly detailed statement. Not to mention that Rasmea’s co-conspirator gave an interview over a decade after release from prison explaining that Rasmea was the mastermind behind the bombing (and Rasmea herself admitted to attempting to bomb the British Consulate).
Facts matter. But apparently not to Rasmea supporters.
This fact sheet, which also ran as an advertisement in the DePaul student newspaper, tells the facts:

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Yes, Facts matter.
The fact of an unrepentant alive terrorist enjoying a fundraiser at a US university while a vigil is held outside in the cold for the innocent dead victims is shocking.
idiots. the question on immigration form was ever convicted not ever falsely convicted.
the legitimacy of the conviction (and it is legitimate) has nothing to do with what she was tried here for.
My father graduated from Depaul law school after coming home from serving on the general staff of the eight army in Korea. Sad really, as a lot of the best and brightest Jews from Chicago during that time period went to Depaul law school.
Fortunately, he is no longer here to witness.
200 attended, is probably more like 200 dollars raised.
Also the people in the nice heated room aren’t nearly as impressive as the one willing to stand in the elements for the truth. Since everyone of the ones outside are worth about 5 of the ones inside, the attendance for the vigil was much higher.