I’m reminded of Dr. John Lott’s analysis of the deadly theater shooting in Aurora, CO, in 2012:
“Gun-free zones are a magnet for those who want to kill many people quickly. Even the most ardent gun control advocate would never put ‘Gun-Free Zone’ signs on their home. Let’s stop finally putting them elsewhere.”
That is so brain-dead obvious, I truly wonder why more people can’t acknowledge it, even if they are philosophically opposed to guns. I mean, it’s like deny the sun in the sky. Every time I walk into one of these establishments that has the little “no gun” sticker – library, church, post office, college, etc. – I can’t help but think: Why not just hand everyone a t-shirt with a big huge target on it?
Look, it gives me a liberal warm fuzzy to put up signs at schools, parks, theaters, and malls declaring them Gun Free Zones, and if that identifies a tasty target for some nut with a rifle, well, so be it. The signs aren’t for the kids, they’re for ME, got it?
Progressive fascists live in an imaginary world where criminals obey “No Firearm” signs.
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I’m reminded of Dr. John Lott’s analysis of the deadly theater shooting in Aurora, CO, in 2012:
“Gun-free zones are a magnet for those who want to kill many people quickly. Even the most ardent gun control advocate would never put ‘Gun-Free Zone’ signs on their home. Let’s stop finally putting them elsewhere.”
God bless our Marines!
That is so brain-dead obvious, I truly wonder why more people can’t acknowledge it, even if they are philosophically opposed to guns. I mean, it’s like deny the sun in the sky. Every time I walk into one of these establishments that has the little “no gun” sticker – library, church, post office, college, etc. – I can’t help but think: Why not just hand everyone a t-shirt with a big huge target on it?
Argyl ISD in TX arms their teachers. 🙂
Look, it gives me a liberal warm fuzzy to put up signs at schools, parks, theaters, and malls declaring them Gun Free Zones, and if that identifies a tasty target for some nut with a rifle, well, so be it. The signs aren’t for the kids, they’re for ME, got it?
Making schools “gun free zones” is a side-effect of the original mistake: giving control of education to a government bureaucracy.
That evil horse is still alive. I can beat it if I want.
Schools with signs that say “this a sex-free zone” also have much lower rates of teen pregnancy.
Liberals are mentally and physically incapable of providing a defense and are eager to prevent others from doing so so as not to look weak.
Progressive fascists live in an imaginary world where criminals obey “No Firearm” signs.