William A. Jacobson | Cornell Law School | Israel Boycott
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Near Rochester (NY)? My speech against the Israel boycott is Tuesday night

Near Rochester (NY)? My speech against the Israel boycott is Tuesday night

January 27 at 7 p.m., at the Jewish Community Center.

On Tuesday night, January 27, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., I will be speaking at the invitation of Rochester for Israel (Roc4Israel) at the Jewish Community Center, on the topic Boycotting Israel: The insidious threat of the BDS movement:

Roc4Israel is pleased to present Professor William A. Jacobson of Cornell University, who will speak on the BDS movement and its goals. We invite supporters of Israel and those interested in learning about this crucial issue to join us.

William A. Jacobson’s commentary has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, CBS News, and Fox News among others. In 2008, he founded LegalInsurrection.com, an influential blog frequently cited by major media outlets. Last April he broke the story about the stealth effort to pass a BDS resolution at Cornell as Jewish students departed for Passover.

Professor Jacobson will discuss the origins and history of BDS, the groups perpetuating BDS, and especially the academic boycott of Israel by certain American institutions. Jacobson’s thoughtful, measured, and academic approach to this topic is sure to inform and educate the audience.

Roc4Israel extends a special invitation to college students, who often take the brunt of anti-Israel action and rhetoric on campus.

There is no admission charge, but people are strongly encouraged to register here (link has details on the address) as there is limited seating and there already is a very strong pre-registration.

The event should not be affected by the #Snowpocalyse that is hitting several hours away in NYC and New England (upstate NY is a big place, and Rochester is pretty far West).

James Goodman of the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle has an article about the event, Critic of boycotts of Israel to speak here:



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I’d be more worried about the BDS wackos, than snow.

Watch your back, Professor.

Karen Sacandy | January 26, 2015 at 9:26 am

This is great! Break a leg, Professor!

Good luck, Professor. But ten bucks says you won’t get a word in due to the speech fascists.

I am going to try to make it. The JCC is close to my home.