Why would North Koreans expect American capitulation over a film?

Arrest of Innocence of Muslims Filmmaker

Remember the film Innocence of the Muslims?

Protests throughout the Muslim world, particularly in the Arab world, about the film got a lot of coverage in North Korea.

Or what passes for “a lot of coverage” in North Korea:

The FBI says North Korea was behind the Sony hack, causing Hollywood capitulation and self-censorship.

The North Koreans were upset about The Interview, a film about the killing of Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un.

Kim, of course, is a God-like figure in North Korea, and the worship of him is tantamount to a religion.

Why would the North Koreans think the West would capitulate if it retaliated for the insult to its God-like leader?

The North Koreans are probably wondering what all the fuss is about.

[Featured image credit: Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times, via Obama shoots the First Amendment, aims later]

Tags: Cyberwar, North Korea, SONY Hack