Politically Incorrect Week at College Insurrection
Your weekly report from the world of higher education.
Bill Maher finally got back at all those progressive students who were trying to silence him.
There was more fallout from Rolling Stone’s UVA story.
- UVA Enters Damage Control Mode Over Rolling Stone Rape Story
- People Who Vandalized UVA’s Phi Kappa Psi House Unrepentant
- Columbia School of Journalism Tasked with Review of Rolling Stone’s Infamous UVA Story
The murder of two New York cops brought out the worst in some and the best in others.
- Brandeis Student Resigns from Leadership Post After Saying She Had No Sympathy for Murdered Cops
- Bowdoin College to Help Pay for Education of Slain NYPD Officer’s Son
BDS update.
- Harvard’s Dining Services Admits Politics went into SodaStream Decision
- Harvard Rethinks BDS Motivated SodaStream Decision
- Hypocritical Profs Sign BDS Petition but are Silent About Abu Dhabi Affiliated Campus
- The College Fix Compiles a List of Recent Campus Hate Crime Hoaxes
- National Review Counts Down the Most Politically Correct Moments on College Campuses in 2014
It was also Christmas this week.
- Chinese University Bans Christmas
- College Atheists Talk About Celebrating Christmas
- U. Pennsylvania Frat Suspended Over Holiday Card Featuring Sex Doll
Some people got it right.
The Higher Ed Bubble cometh.
- Burlington College is on Life Support
- College of Saint Rose Downgraded by Moody’s
- Arizona State Makes Deal for Struggling Business School
Government to the rescue!
- ‘Framework’ for Higher Ed Rating System Released by Education Department
- Despite Complaints, Obama Rolls Out His College Ratings Plan
- GOP Calls New College Ratings System Another Obama Overreach
The backlash of rape culture.
- Prof: Trigger Warnings are Preventing Rape Law From Being Taught
- Former Washington and Lee student expelled following rape accusation, sues school
- U. New Mexico Football Players Plan to Sue University Over Sexual Assault Investigation
Facts are stubborn things.
Some people just won’t let go of the narrative.
You have to laugh.
Thanks for reading College Insurrection!
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Maher is an appalling anti-Catholic bigot. He should be silenced.
Bob, I like your first sentence…but not the second.
Maher’s garbage should be met with strong, truthful opposition. Such might serve to put him in his place.
Now, I would LOVE it if Maher would just shut up and go away, but the only way I want him silenced is for someone to get him a mirror, something which he must be lacking.
“…the only OTHER way I want him silenced…”
He can be silenced with push-back. But not by the likes of Squeaker Boehner, Pee Wee Prebus, Senate Malinger leader McTurtle and the rest of the GOP hacks hogging the party leadership.
Nature abhors a vacuum, and the vacuum being created by thee above fools will be filled by the likes of Bill Mahr, just like the vacuum created by George Bush and his idiot whiz-kid Karl Rove was filled with sludge calling itself ‘Barack Hussein Obama.’
Look for a repeat in 2016.
Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t the vast majority of “Southern Governors” Democrats in the era of the civil rights movement.
That’s the truth. But the truth means nothing without a strong delivery method.