Oberlin College refused to dismiss protesting students’ failing grades

Kids these days.

Students who neglected their studies to protest the Michael Brown grand jury decision were disappointed when their appeal to the administration for special accommodations during finals was rejected.

According to Fox News Cleveland:

Over 1,300 Oberlin students signed a petition for college administrators asking for understanding and “alternative modes of learning” as they continue to cope with what’s happening across the country.They asked for the normal grading system to be “replaced with a no-fail mercy period,” and said “basically no student …especially students of color should be failing a class this semester.”In response, Oberlin President Marvin Krislov said that he understands their concerns and that he and the Academic Deans took the request seriously, however “we are in firm agreement that suspending grading protocols is not the way to achieve our shared goal of ensuring that students have every opportunity and resource to succeed,” he said in a statement.Administrators did offer students some assistance in the form of counseling and other support services. They also added increased flexibility in terms of students making “incomplete requests.”They also extended the deadline for students to change from “a grade to the pass/no pass” option.

You may remember that Harvard law students pleaded for the cancellation of finals unsuccessfully. Students at Columbia’s law school received their holiday wish when the administration agreed to cancel finals.

Good on Oberlin College for standing strong.

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Tags: academia, College Insurrection, Ferguson