Scott Walker wins for third time |Wendy Davis defeated
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Governor Election Results

Governor Election Results

Republicans sweep Governorships in Florida (Rick Scott), Texas (Greg Abbott), Wisconsin (Scott Walker), Illinois (Bruce Rauner), Massachusetts (Charlie Baker), Michigan (Rick Snyder), Kansas (Same Brownback), Maryland (Larry Hogan)

We will be covering several key Governor races, listed below.  And the results are looking something like this:

MRW I win playing board games



Illinois (did NOT see this one coming)









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The over and under on Abbott / Davis is 16….any takers?

JimMtnViewCaUSA | November 4, 2014 at 7:16 pm

Not taking the under for Davis, that’s for sure!

Go Walker.
Most important race tonight, IMO.
Can gov’t unions be curbed for the good of us all? Or not.

Walker by 4?

Go Wlaker GO!!

We need Rhody results for Gov too!!! Go Fung GO!!!

Congrats to Gov. Rick Scott. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is still in denial, just heard her on the radio saying she wants to wait for more votes to come in that she KNOWS are out there for Crist.

The race was far too close for comfort for me. Miami Dade and Broward counties came out strong for Obama lover Crist. If the RINOs down here keep importing socialists from South, Central America and Caribbean 2016 will go Hilary or Fauxahantas for sure.

About the only think I’m worried about now is 591/594 in Washington. I’d hate to have to write off another state, especially one as nice as that.

Been biting my nails over Quinn v Rauner (IL) ~

You gotta admit, that cunning runt with the pink shoes in Texas IS kinda cute!

Flyover Conservative | November 5, 2014 at 12:13 am

Wow! IL flips. KS holds! Whew.

Scott Walker just moved to the top of my short list for 2016. He wins tight elections, he delivers once elected (and then some), and he does it under constant hostile fire. That’s who we need in the WH.

JackRussellTerrierist | November 5, 2014 at 2:02 am

SO SO SO happy to see Scott Walker win – for the THIRD time.

Kasich and Snyder wins are also great news. And IL? I thought it might be tight because Quinn is problematic, but I didn’t really think Rauner would pull it out. We’re talking ILLINOIS!! Could Chitown not scalp, steal, manufacture, etc., enough fraudulent votes this time? Did we have exceptionally good poll watchers. Did they lose their graveyard shovels? I’m sure obola is asking himself these very questions and more!

JackRussellTerrierist | November 5, 2014 at 3:01 am

Beauprez just passed Hickenlooper with 89% precincts reporting. Beauprez has a .4 lead on Hick. Unknown what precincts aren’t in or how they usually vote. I do remember several hours ago Boulder was coming in. Hickenlooper had a small lead throughout that – probably got all the doper vote. I’m sure this is wishful thinking, but maybe Boulder is all in and others have now come in and erased Hick’s lead. So maybe it’s not all uphill for Beauprez now?

I would love to take back that governor’s seat. Does anybody remember the ‘rat “Colorado Project”, which was a refined plan undertaken about 10-12 years ago to turn CO blue? I recall reading that Soros funded it. Obviously, they had a good deal of success.

Wresting that senate seat away from the ‘rats is sweeeeeet!

JackRussellTerrierist | November 5, 2014 at 3:40 am

Beauprez & Hick in dead heat, each with 48.7. 90% reporting. There are a few outlying precincts in Boulder, contrary to an earlier report, and Denver has some outlying areas not in. Holding back fraudulent votes to submit as needed, probably.

Looks like the edge will be for Hick and there will be an automatic recount, where Hick will steal even more votes through the ‘rat fraud machine and keep the seat. That’s just my take.

The lawyers’ are probably already at work.

JackRussellTerrierist | November 5, 2014 at 5:07 am

They still haven’t called VT, CT and AL gubernatorial, all of which show tiny leads by ‘rats wit almost all precincts reporting.

Beauprez now down .5 pt, with 92% reporting.

Doug Ducey (R) won over Frank Duval (D) in Arizona.