Challenger could give Hillary Clinton an Iowa 2016 problem

Liberals in politics and media are placing all their eggs in Hillary’s basket for 2016 but remember:

When it comes to presidential elections, Iowa is a very important state and as Lee Rood of the New York Post points out, Hillary may have a problem:

Is Iowa already sick of Hillary Clinton?DES MOINES, Iowa — If you’re a die-hard Democrat in New York hoping to overcome the disappointment that was Nov. 4, you’re worried.But here in Iowa, where the first-in-the-nation caucuses are a mere 14 months away, some are breaking into a cold sweat.Most party leaders here will assure you all conversations about the 2016 presidential nomination still begin and end with Hillary Clinton.The former first lady and secretary of state is a sentimental favorite. Though she has not formally announced her candidacy, her well-oiled super PAC may be the most deeply rooted ever at this stage in the Hawkeye state.“I don’t know of any party regulars or activists who are really pushing anyone else,” says Jerry Crawford, who co-chaired Clinton’s 2008 campaign in Iowa and helps lead Ready for Hillary in the state.But that may be the problem. Familiarity breeds if not contempt, then frustration.

Do you know who else isn’t excited about the prospect of a Clinton run? Joe Biden.

Dave Boyer of the Washington Times reported:

Joe Biden claims middle class devastated during Clinton yearsVice President Joseph R. Biden took a swipe Thursday at the Clinton administration — and at possible presidential rival Hillary Rodham Clinton — by saying the middle class declined “all through the ‘90s.”“The middle class started to get into trouble in the late ‘80s. All through the ‘90s, with the exception of two years, the middle class was declining,” Mr. Biden told an audience of unionized teachers in Washington. “We need to deal with income inequity.”The vice president, who is considering a third bid for the White House in 2016, also told the gathering that the Obama administration has helped to create manufacturing jobs “more than [at] any time, even the ‘90s.”A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton didn’t respond to a request for comment.

I, for one, look forward to Joe Biden’s run for president in 2016 and the nasty primary fight it would cause.

Run Joe, run!

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Hillary Clinton, Iowa, Joe Biden