[WAJ NOTE: I have been interviewed on African American Conservatives Blog Talk Radio multiple times. AACONS has a weekly podcast with some very interesting guests. AACONS now is posting its weekly podcasts at Legal Insurrection.]
Ilya Somin is Professor of Law at George Mason University School of Law and a writer whose work has appeared in numerous academic journals and popular press outlets. He also writes regularly for the Volokh Conspiracy blog and for Cato Institute. His latest book is entitled, Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter.
Dr. Elaina George is a Board certified Otolaryngologist and a a member of the national advisory council of the Project 21 black leadership network. She is a contributor to a wide variety of websites including BigGovernment.com and the New Media Journal, and a frequent medical expert guest on a range of TV and radio shows. Dr. George hosts a weekly talk radio show, “Medicine On Call” and is also a speaker for American Entertainment International.
Visit AACONS Blog Talk Radio page and its home blog website. They have a great Facebook page and active Twitter account.