Cover Up Week at College Insurrection
Your weekly dispatch from the crazy world of higher education.
When some College Democrats recently campaigned for Alison Grimes in Kentucky, they learned there are certain things you just don’t talk about.
(Jump ahead to 2:00 for “cover up” discussion)
The new campus consent laws continue to stir controversy.
- Proponent of Affirmative Consent Law Says: “It Helps Find Evidence Where There Is None”
- George Washington U. Law Prof on Affirmative Consent Law: “It Infantilizes Women”
- 28 Harvard Law Professors Oppose School’s New Sexual Assault Policies, Say They Violate Due Process
Of course he does.
Higher ed bubble update.
- Colleges Keep Spending Despite Declining Enrollments
- University of Michigan to Spend $400K Moving One Tree
- Many People With Advanced Degrees Struggle With Long Term Unemployment
Of course, not everyone is struggling.
BDS update.
- Yale Dorms Defaced with Swastikas
- Fordham Prof. Faces “Secret Charges” in Kafka-esque Trial After Opposing Israel Boycott
Speaking of BDS, here’s an important lesson.
Rape culture is still in the news.
- Students at Ohio U. Encouraged to March Naked to Protest ‘Rape Culture’
- Michigan State Football Fans Boo President Obama, Get Chastised for Supporting Rape Culture
- SUNY Canton: Fight Rape Culture With Selfies
Can’t you just feel the tolerance?
- Auburn University Students Protest ‘Misogynistic’ Pro-life Display
- Equating Conservatism With Hate Speech on Campus
- Christian Student Groups “Derecognized” at California Public Universities
Things are tough all over.
- Food Pantry Use Increases at New York Colleges
- When it Comes to Debt, Some College is Worse Than None
- University of Colorado-Boulder Cuts Full-Time Hours for Students Over Obamacare
Racism is still everywhere, apparently.
- Protesters at St. Louis University Claim They’re Fighting White Supremacy
- Berkeley Prof: Killing Black People is Killing Obama
- ‘Diversity’ and ‘Inclusion’ are Always a Problem, Even When The Problems are Hoaxes
- La Salle U. Prof Says Black Gun Rights Advocates Would Be Treated Differently Than Whites
Plus there’s Cishetero-something-or-other…
Disgusting moments in higher education.
You don’t say…
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What. A. Dope.
Hasn’t she ever learned that many times not answering is an answer?
Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and ask the leading question.
We all know who she voted for yet she thinks that somehow if she doesn’t SAY who she voted for then she’s good to go. Is she ashamed? Is she proud but knows that won’t go over well? Either way her stupid silence has cooked her for good and all.
Much as I find many things that I disagree with Mitch on, at least he’s not an idiot over something as simple as answering and obvious question.
(answer the leading question)
I would have thought this would be College Invasion week. SLU has finally gotten the Occupiers to leave, by making some sort of agreement according to this post.