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AACONS Interviews Robert Rector and Dr. Alveda King

AACONS Interviews Robert Rector and Dr. Alveda King

Robert Rector talks about the welfare state, and Dr. King discusses building strong communities.

[WAJ NOTE: I have been interviewed on African American Conservatives Blog Talk Radio multiple times. AACONS has a weekly podcast with some very interesting guests. AACONS now is posting its weekly podcasts at Legal Insurrection.]

Robert Rector, a leading authority on poverty, welfare programs and immigration in America for three decades, is The Heritage Foundation’s senior research fellow in domestic policy.

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we are rebroadcasting our most recent interview with his niece, activist Dr. Alveda King, author of King Rules: Ten Truths for You, Your Family, and Our Nation to Prosper.

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Yes, the welfare state and our culture have done much to undermined the family and society as a whole.

One of the earlier progressive blows to poorer communities was the urban planning movement which destroyed supportive communities and shunted people into anonymous isolation in public housing.