Security Breach May Cause Enlarged “Buffer Zone” Around the White House

After a man jumped the fence and actually made it through the front door of the White House last weekend, the Secret Service is thinking of beefing up the security area around 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Carol D. Leonnig of the Washington Post reported Monday:

Secret Service considers a larger buffer zone around the White HouseAfter an unprecedented security breach Friday night at the White House, the U.S. Secret Service is weighing a series of measures that would move tourists and D.C. residents farther away from the complex to reduce the chances of intruders piercing its security perimeter and endangering the president.One proposal is to keep people off the sidewalks around the White House fence and create several yards of additional barrier around the compound’s perimeter. Another is to screen visitors as far as a block away from the entrance gates.The plans for enhanced security come after an incident Friday that exposed gaps in the Secret Service’s ability to secure the formal seat of the executive and the home of the first family. A man jumped over the White House fence just after 7:20 p.m. and was able to sprint unimpeded to the North Portico and enter the unlocked front door of the White House.

When I read Leonnig’s report, all I could think of was this post by Moe Lane of Red State which was published shortly after the incident:

A cynical blogger might think that these White House security breaches were deliberate.But it’s a good thing that I’m not a cynical blogger, because then I can conclude that the sudden rash of security lapses is completely coincidental. And that, of course, the White House will not restrict further the People’s* access to it. Because if they did, why: that would mean that the Democrats really and truly don’t have a single drop of populist sentiment in their veins at all. …Or at least that Barack Obama doesn’t.

Someone give the man a cigar.

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons.

Tags: White House