Buddy Cianci Mayor | 2014 Campaign | Poll
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Buddy Cianci leading in poll for Providence Mayor

Buddy Cianci leading in poll for Providence Mayor

You think his criminal record will hurt him? You don’t know Buddy. Or Rhode Island.

Oh man.

Good times could be just around the corner in the Capital city of my former home State of Rhode Island and [if you don’t know by now how it ends, you obviously haven’t been paying attention].

Remember, I said it: Buddy Cianci running for Mayor of Providence again, and he can win:

In his first act as Mayor of Providence, Buddy resigned in 1984 after being convicted of assaulting his wife’s alleged paramour with a fire log and lit cigarette. (Seriously.)

Buddy had a comeback but in 2002 was convicted of running a criminal enterprise, namely, Providence City Hall. Cianci was found not guilty of 26 specific criminal charges. The only charge on which he was convicted was RICO conspiracy….

He can win. He absolutely can win.

And that would not be a bad thing for Providence, which has been in a funk since Buddy went to the Big House.

That prediction appears to be coming true, as a Providence Journal / News 12 poll shows Buddy in the lead running as an Independent:

Former Providence Mayor Vincent A. “Buddy” Cianci Jr. has a small lead over Jorge Elorza six weeks ahead of the election to replace Mayor Angel Taveras, but many voters are still undecided, an exclusive WPRI 12/Providence Journal poll released Tuesday shows.

The new survey of 503 likely voters in Providence shows independent Cianci on top at 38%, with Democrat Elorza in second place at 32% and Republican Daniel Harrop a distant third at 6%. Roughly one in five Providence voters – 21% – said they remain undecided about the Nov. 4 election for mayor.

You don’t think Buddy can win? You think his criminal record will hurt him?

You don’t know Buddy. Or Rhode Island.


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I must say, the Dims in Providence certainly have higher standards than they do in Washington, DC. At least they don’t re-elect crack-smoking whore-mongers.

Go Buddy. At least the rest of us will know where you are so we can avoid you.

Bitterlyclinging | September 26, 2014 at 6:53 pm

The Democratic Party has spent a great deal of time and effort into developing the care and cultivation of the welfare vote. In New England the Democrats have developed the care and cultivation of the welfare vote into a high art form. With the dissappearance of the textile industry and farming that care and cultivation has become the regions major industry.

What is the number of registered D and R voters vs number of unregistered eligible voters in Providence? Is there zero grassroots activity in Providence?