Website problem (Update)
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Website problem (Update)

Website problem (Update)

We’re good now.

You may have noticed we were down for about an hour today, and as of this writing the comment function is not working.

It was a server error which is being resolved.

UPDATE: Comments and commenting should be back. If you have problems commenting, post in the comment section (yes, a joke). Email me.


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Welcome back, LI. Wasn’t THAT fun?

MaggotAtBroadAndWall | August 5, 2014 at 3:03 pm

I wonder if Martha Robertson’s campaign hacked your website?

I pushed the big red button.

For future reference, NEVER PUSH THE BIG RED BUTTON.

Doug Wright Old Grouchy | August 5, 2014 at 4:30 pm

The likely suspects hacking this great website, LI, might include in order of nothing at all: Madam Liawatha, Hill or Bill, Nancy “Used to be Speaker,” or Martha “I’m really a bad candidate.” Or, maybe it’s an Althouse fan pissed off at LI’s success.

Of course, the really culprit might be none of the above!

William A. Jacobson | August 5, 2014 at 6:37 pm

At first we thought we were hacked, but the reality is we’re not important enough for anyone to bother.