The mugshot that launched a presidential campaign?

Texas Governor Rick Perry was booked today on charges of abuse of power, but before he went in to pose for the greatest mugshot in the history of mugshots, he took the time to speak at a pickup rally organized in support of the Governor and his fight against Texas democrats.

The Washington Free Beacon has the video:

I’m here today because I did the right thing. I’m going to enter this courthouse with my head held high, and not only were the actions that I took not only lawful and legal, but right. And if I had to do so, I would veto funding for the integrity unit again. You think any governor, Democrat or Republican, would expect this important unit with jurisdiction over state officials, be led by someone who lives up to the high standard of conduct and personal integrity. And this issue is far bigger than me. It is about the rule of law, about the constitution that allows not just a governor but every citizen to speak their mind free of political interference or legal intimidation. [ cheers and applause ] This indictment is nothing but an attack on the constitutional powers of the governor. There are important fundamental issues at stake, and I will not allow this attack on our system of government to stand. I’m going to fight this injustice with every fiber of my being. and we will prevail. and we’ll prevail because we’re standing for the rule of law.

After Perry was booked, he went to Sandy’s ice cream, as is the Texas way.

Although these charges appear to be nothing more than a political power play, Governor Perry is playing a very smart long game by both hiring an excellent legal team, and welcoming the commentary from pundits on both sides of the aisle—almost all of whom believe that the indictment is nothing more than a transparent political play.

Democrats are losing yards at every turn, and it’s unclear whether or not they will be able to turn public opinion of the case against the state’s longest-serving governor. The law is on Governor Perry’s side, both with regards to his use of the veto power, and his attempted removal of town drunk Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg. Dems are banking on a judge and jury deciding that Governor Perry’s public demand that Lehmberg resign somehow trumps Perry’s plenary veto power as guaranteed in the Texas Constitution.

However this plays out, it’s clear that Rick Perry has a message for Texas democrats:

Tags: 2016 Election, Rick Perry