Hamas breaches truce, fires rockets into Israel (Live Updates and Video)

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Official reports from Israel indicate that at least two rockets were fired into Israel hours before the truce ended at 8 a.m. (Israel time) Friday.


Heavy rocket fire erupted from Gaza shortly after the official end time of the truce.

The New York Times reports:

After three days of quiet, the Israeli military said, at least 18 rockets were fired at 8 a.m. and in the hour afterward. Two were intercepted by Israel’s antimissile defense system over Ashkelon, the military said, while 14 others fell in open ground, causing no injury or damage, and two landed short in the Gaza Strip. The military also reported two launchings of rockets or mortar shells from Gaza before dawn. …Just at 8 a.m., as television correspondents stood on the beachside road in Gaza City to do their live reports, the first rocket was fired. The signature white plume of the Israeli interception was visible in the air for miles. A few more booms were heard in the next 15 minutes, but they hardly disrupted the trickle of donkey carts on the street.

Ynet reports:

Air raid sirens have wailed in Ashkelon and in Gaza-border communities almost without end since 8 am, with more than 35 rockets and mortars fired on Israel within four hours; two casualties were reported. Shortly before noon, Gaza militants launched a salvo on the Sdot Negev Regional Council – six rockets fell in open areas. Two people were injured – a soldier and a civilian – from a rocket near the entrance to a community in Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council. They are both in light condition.


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Tags: Gaza, Hamas, Israel