#Ferguson Missouri: Unarmed Teen Gunned Down by Cops, Riots Erupt

michael brown

All hell broke loose in Ferguson, Missouri after a police officer killed an unarmed teen. Michael Brown got into an altercation with local law enforcement, and was shot and killed by one of the police officers.

According to ABC News:

The struggle began when the officer encountered two men, one of whom was Brown, in the street outside of an apartment complex, and one of the men pushed the office [sic] back toward his squad car, according to police. A shot was fired inside the squad car and then multiple shots were fired at Brown outside the car, killing him, authorities said.

The identification of the officer responsible for the shooting will be released tomorrow at 2:00 in a press conference, ABC News reports. A vigil held Sunday night in Brown’s memory turned violent as attendees began looting and destroying local businesses:

According to the Houston Chronicle, the FBI is opening up an investigation into potential civil rights violations.

Tags: Ferguson