Epic rant over Obama playing golf right after James Foley statement
More interested in Alonzo Mourning than in mourning

Lisa Daftari, Fox News contributor.
Yes there was mourning, not the grieving kind, but the former NBA basketball player Alonzo Mourning, who President Obama was photographed fist bumping with on the golf course….
It’s this wishy-washy, lead from behind, no strategy foreign policy that has put us at the mercy of militant extremists time and time again….
Now that we’re getting our hands dirty, shouldn’t we have a plan, shouldn’t our enemies think we do?”… How many more James Foleys will it take for the President to formulate a comprehensive strategy against ISIS in both Iraq and Syria?

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There’s been plenty of commentary regarding how US voters feel about the president’s apparent “detachment” over foreign challenges. But what matters more is how our adversaries view it and what they’re likely to do in response. Any bad actor with territorial ambition is likely to feel emboldened by White House inertia. They have a rational basis for thinking that they have a 28-month window of opportunity to make bold moves and consolidate gains. Presidential detachment can be provocative.
Bill nailed it I’m afraid. It doesn’t matter how many more U.S. citizens die at the hands of the Islamic State, or any other Islamic Supremacist group; until the Oval Office is occupied by someone with guts and a clear understanding of the threat nothing constructive will occur. It’s going to take a new man – or at least a man – to make any difference.
Damn! Two more years? Maybe I should start swapping my dollars for dinars while I still have the chance.
Welcome to reality.
A careful examination will reveal that Obama has conducted himself essentially the exact same way since taking office.
Oh, he paid a bit more attention to the “optics” in his first term – or his political advisers did – but that was only in form, not substance.
He was in a yet undisclosed location while the life-and-death battle at our Benghazi consulate was going on. The next morning he surfaced long enough to give a brief statement declaring we would pursue the perps “relentlessly” before jumping on a plane to a Vegas fundraiser.
Here’s how “relentless” we were. It was over two months before our FBI guys could even enter Libya. We finally got one of the leaders nearly two years later – after the same guy had been interviewed in public cafes by no less than five western journalists.
His brief statement about Fort Hood was preceded by some lighthearted banter and a “shout out” to one of his home boys in the audience.
And the list goes on. He’s not a serious person. America is a nation of suckers for voters.
Ebola Boy just might not be the president at the time his term is officially set to end.
This guy has brought about crazy times. In crazy times, crazy things seem to happen.
Some feel the notion of a ‘President Biden’ was designed as ‘insurance’.
I’ve never subscribed to the notion that “President Biden” would be worse. It’s true that he’s a doofus and a hypocrite and he’s wrong about many things, but he doesn’t come close to Obama’s radicalism or his malignant narcissism. He has a residue of patriotism, and he probably wouldn’t appoint a SecDef who’s dumber than he is. For all his faults, Biden would show some awareness that national defense is actually a serious matter.
” . . . Sinclair had come to the National Press Club to detail his charges that the self-proclaimed Democratic presidential nominee Barack Hussein Obama had indulged in two homosexual encounters complete with crack cocaine in early November 1999, that Obama was complicit in the December 2007 assassination of Donald Young, the gay choirmaster of Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, and that’s Obama’s resident perception monger, David Axelrod, had paid the pornographic website Whitehouse.com $750,000 to organize a campaign of character assassination against Sinclair, culminating in a faked polygraph test. At the close of the press conference, Sinclair was arrested inside the press club by US Marshals and DC police, apparently based on an old Delaware warrant. . .
. . .Since the warrant used as the pretext to arrest Sinclair apparently came from Delaware, our attention naturally turns to Senator Joe Biden, the incorrigible blowhard and defeated presidential candidate who is now known to be angling for the post of vice president or Secretary of State in a future Obama regime.
We also note that Biden’s son, the nepotist Beau Biden, is the current Attorney General of Delaware. As the cops would say, the Biden machine, anxious to ingratiate themselves with Obama, had the means, motive, and opportunity to arrange this outrageous arrest. For those gullible enough to believe that civil liberties might improve under an Obama regime, this ought to provide a reality shock. . . ”
Republicans tend to be hawks, Libertarians tend to be isolationists and Progressives under their chief Prog show us that they tend to be detachees.
A chicken running around w/o its head should be their party symbol.
Detached Effete-ism is the Obama doctrine of foreign policy.
Anybody remember Bill Clinton’s performance when walking out of Ron Brown’s funeral? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr8Y9qguTgc
Boehner and McConnell ought to take the entire GOP caucus on a golf outing / tournament. Invite the press. Lots of quotes like “what’s good for the goose”, “following the president’s lead”, “fish rots from the head”, etc.
When the public cries foul, point out the hypocrisy of it.
Speaking of presidents and golf:
Only a moron or an Obama fanboi would be impressed by these two vapid articles.
But, in hopes of teaching you a little something, let me ask you:
1. Is John Boehner the Commander in Chief?
2. Did either piece cite an instance in which a President issued a statement about the horrific execution of an American citizen by terrorists who have sworn to destroy the US, then hustled over to the first tee for a hilarity soaked 18?
Obama is coasting to the finish line. He’s made himself a lame duck two years early and doesn’t care what happens. He knows there isn’t enough time left to get impeached. He’s knows he’s headed for immense wealth on speaking tours in between golf.
Perhaps it’s best that he does do nothing. Look at the disaster Obamacare is as well as his absent economic and foreign policies.